philosophistry– academented scholastic textbook rigmarole and buffoonery espoused through non-analytical rigor and cherished assumptions w/chameleon like candor by CoinOperated spinfidels- FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

philosophistry – academented scholastic textbook rigmarole and buffoonery espoused through non-analytical rigor and cherished assumptions with chameleon-like candor. The book “Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became An Excuse to Teach Myth as History,” by the simpleton, Mary Lefkowitz, is a perfect example of White Supremacy Racism, arrogance, stupidity and philosophistry, as well as a pathetic attempt at using reverse psychology to justify teaching the mythology of so-called Western Civilization as if it were either original or civilization but rather global oppression and domestication. Ms. Lefkowitz is either not fit to be a educator or is simply, as a coin-operated $pinfidel, attempting to continue to obfuscate the reality of Afrika as the historical and undisputed origin of Western Civilization—in either case her position has been discredited forever. (See: $pinfidel)

The Odd Squad – the Negro-Nazis; lawn jockeys of African descent mentally deadicated to the nefarious and self-erasing cause of White Supremacy racism - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY: 

The Odd Squad – the Negro-Nazis; lawn jockeys of African descent mentally deadicated to the nefarious and self-erasing cause of White Supremacy racism, all the while oblivious to the double-consciousness necessary to act out or perform same. (See: Power, Doublethink, Endjustice, Sambo, McNegro, $niggers & Negrolites)

'Multiculturalism – academic assimilationism—the pseudo-scholastic tactic to mix yourself up so that you won’t know your true history all over again. 2) an ethnic and cultural annihilation program'

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Multiculturalism – academic assimilationism—the pseudo-scholastic tactic to mix yourself up so that you won’t know your true history all over again. 2) ethnic, socioeconomic and cultural annihilation program. Multiculturalism is cultural asphyxiation in muddied water. It is a premeditated self-defeating paradigm programmed into the minds Afrikan youth to carry on and carry out the aims of racism white supremacy without them even being aware of same. It is the sacrifice of authentic African ethnic identity, culture and socio-economic empowerment on the altars to white racism white supremacy, i.e., stolen power. Ask those who support the ideology of multiculturalism (who are not of Afrikan descent) to spend most of their money at stores or for services owned and operated by African-Americans and then see how much multiculturalism you find actually going down. “You cannot really relate multiculturally to other people until you learn to relate to yourself first.” ~Dr. Amos Wilson. Dr. Wilson also correctly observes: “To the degree that you are separated from reality, to that degree you are out of your mind. You gotta’ know Self first.” We, as a people, and humanity as a whole, suffer from the falsification of African consciousness. Wake up people! Know-now and know-why, OK? (See: PowerNomics, Self-Alienation, True Self, Self-Realization, The Self & Self-Determination)

CUP - Chronic Unemployment Problem 2) Cardboard Underscoring Pleadings 3) Continuous Unending Poverty 4) Core Unspeakable Presumption 5) Chronic Unsolved Problems 6) Current Unutilized Productivity

According to FUNKTIONARY:

CUP – Chronic Unemployment Problem. 2) Cardboard Underscoring Pleadings. 3) Continuous Unending Poverty. 4) Core Unspeakable Presumption. 5) Chronic Unsolved Problems. 6) Current Unutilized Productivity. CUP stems from incorrect fiscal and monetary policies. It is estimated that in 2012 over 50 million people in the USA live in poverty, and the number is increasing—so are those with Wendy’s and Hardees cups holding “Homeless—Please Help God Bless” cardboard placards at traffic lights. Those suffering the from the effects of CUP, at a street intersection with a Burger King cup or discarded KFC bucket, continually find themselves down own their luck, give up and just say “fuck it.” Those holding up the CUP have succumbed to the malignancy of “monetized-debt.” When we begin to harness natural economic law and apply it, literacy-deficiency and poverty-related crime, unemployment and underemployment will be greatly reduced—and may our cup then runneth over. Pass the loving cup and spill the top off for my brothers and sisters lost to the deadly effects of the Economatrix. Past and chronic unemployment, poverty and homelessness, together with many businesses in state of, or on the verge of bankruptcy, is undeniable evidence that too much of the people’s earnings is being destroyed through voluntary remittances to the IRS; and that the issuance of money must be transferred into the hands of those who back it— the private sector. When we learn to read, think critically, feel deeply and become students of life for life—we’ll finally get this right. So don’t just pass judgment on the sign-holding homeless man with the Roy Rogers cup in his hand, for it may actually be you who is the one living a cold, calculated and isolated life. (See: LEAF, LIP, Inflation, The FED, G.I.M.P., Quantity Theory of Money, Economatrix, Second Tax, Labor, Property, Cosmic Slop, P.I.M.P., SUPPER, RIP-tide, Man’s REP, AIR, PALMS, Money Supply, PEP, Homelessness, Abundance, Scarcity, Hidden Tax & Real Tax)

Ever Hear about “White-on-White” Crime? Most crime is Caucasian against Caucasian. Where's the associated terminology? People commit crimes on people who live in closest proximity to them - Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Black-on-Black Crime – a psycho-political euphemism, unwittingly used and abused by African-Americans and deliberately by Caucasians, describing demographic criminal activity in general, as people overwhelmingly commit violent crimes on people who live in closest proximity to them, and the violence mostly occurs by those and on those who are held hostage under chronic and cyclical economically disadvantaged circumstances and environments. Do you ever hear of the slogan “White-on-White” crime? Most violent crimes (at least by number, if not also by percentage of population) take place by Caucasians against Caucasians. Where’s the associated terminology? The pathological criminality within Black neighborhoods is maintained by the ones “keepin’ it real”—that is, real quick to murder people who look like themselves. (See: Gangbanking, Pan-Africanism & Racism)

Jason Whitlock is a Sambo (“a self-loathing Negro lacking self-knowledge”) who Loves His Masters. 'Sambos Love Everything But Themselves'

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Sambo – a self-loathing Negro lacking self-knowledge. “A willing slave gets upset if you refuse to acknowledge his or her master. Usually when people say ‘act responsibly,’ what they mean is: ‘cowtow to the conforming lies we call truths.’” George Battailles. The old saying still holds true: “The value of a dollar, will never, ever drop as low as the standards of some miseducated selfhating Negroes to obtain it.” (See: $niggers, Mentacide, Self-Hate & Slavery)

They Call them Token Negroes b/c they're CoinOperated. If you put money in them they will dispense the view, vision, wishes, ideas, thoughtforms, ideology, hopes and dreams of the customer -Dr Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY:

coin-operated – the apt name for ravenous, puerile and greedy (“mine-controlled”) folk who only act if there is money, power or fame in the game (endeavor)—typically and consciously undertaken underhandedly at another’s expense. 2) anyone with a sell-out-slot that doubles as a mouth or who easily bends south—a south-bender repeat offender. 3) the subsumable drive for money, prestige, influence and power. 4) those that calculate and manipulate to get what they want— usually at the expense of others whom they claim to represent. 5) the description of (and name for) someone whose sole motivation is ‘paper-chasing.’ The living-larger supercilious sell-outs have to use the cracks of their arse as a discredit card swiper—since the stakes are higher and call for more drastic measures and high-volume transfers (the booty of sell-out treasures) can only be accessed in the form of plastic pleasures. They call them token Negroes because they are coinoperated. If you put money in them they will dispense (‘espew’—espouse and spew) the view, vision, wishes, ideas, thoughtforms, ideology, hopes and dreams of the customer. “The price of a dollar is a lot cheaper than the price we pay for violating our own inner integrity.” ~Rafael Catalá. You can easily spot coin-operated people because they always have one dry itchy hand out (waiting to be greased or bribed), the other groping for a handout, and their mouth-slots are always open. Some coin-operatives are equal orifice deployers, i.e., they will use both ends to satisfy others’ desires as a means to achieve or finance their own desired ends—these are better known as CO-HO’s. (See: Piece-Activists, Sniggers, Massa’bators, BOHICANs, Purcheat, Greedy, Ho-Reps, Selfishness, NSA Position, Politicians & Racism White Supremacy)

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GOINTELBRO – "Government Operative Incognegro Notifying The Enforcers Liberating Blackamerica’s Racist Oppressors" - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY

GOINTELBRO – Government Operative Incognegro Notifying The Enforcers Liberating Blackamerica’s Racist Oppressors. A Gointel-bro is a sorry-ass sophisticated hanky-head, coin-operated, Sam-Bohican, Snigger on the payrolls of the F.B.I. (or any other alphabet threat agency) as an undercover informant to foment divisiveness in Blackamerica’s ongoing centuries-long struggle for socioeconomic advancement as a people. Sniggers are equal in intent, and bound by the same flaw—covertly soul-selling out the potential self-determination of his people for the sake of his Massa’s overtly racist, statist or fascist law. (See: Snigger, COINTELPRO, Sambo, Black Flask Brigade, BOHICAN & Coin-Operated)

Reparations are a strategic diversionary tactic in the rebellion towards total liberation. Like Minister Steve Cokely said, “You can't have reparation and exploitation at the same time." FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Reparation(s) – satisfaction that is made for a wrong and deducted from the satisfaction felt in committing it. Through this analytic-equation, now you know why our ancestors didn’t get an ass and 40 acres as you nor your posterior will ever likely receive any…so remember—Free Your Mind…Watch Your Ass, because this will never, in any substantive form, come to pass. One danger in reparations is the notion that white America can actually pay for what happened. They can never pay for the level of meta-genocide, mentacide, psycho-spiritual pain and suffering experienced by more than score plus four generations of African descendants dislocated in Amerikka. Reparations are a strategic diversionary tactic in the rebellion towards total liberation, because as the Afrikan People’s Intelligence Minister Steve Cokely aptly quips, “You cannot have reparation and exploitation at the same time.

academented – the brittle psychological condition resulting from years of indoctrination and predictive programming at an Academy or system of institutionalized compulsory “education.” - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

academented – the brittle psychological condition resulting from years of indoctrination and predictive programming at an Academy or system of institutionalized compulsory “education.” 2) overdosing on our addiction to logical thinking and succumbing to its deleterious side effects of mental meltdown and spiritual sclerosis. 3) minds that have fossilized into fixed modes of dualistic thinking. 4) too busy thinking to realize the absence of seeing. 5) dumbing yourself down by degrees. A degreed mind usually bears witness to the amount or extent of impediment. To teach only that which is sanctioned or permitted by the agents of Corporate State or publicly “funded” educational farms is to be truly academented. It is the squaring of the circle—the squaring of your brain. That’s what the mortarboard hat symbolizes. You are officially dumbed-downed and socialized to the point where you will work in their system and allow 33% to 66% of your earnings to be stolen from you without questioning the obvious slavery involved nor questioning reality you’ve been presented with. “Unless we are exercised in work we have no hunger for learning, and when learning is forced artificially upon a man who has no appetite for it, the digestive organs have no power to digest it. Learning which is forcibly crammed in is not digested. A degreed mind usually bears witness to the extent of the impediment. Mental dysentery sets in and the intellectual powers are atrophied and die.” ~Vinoba Bhave. “Some people learn more and just create more trouble; by being less ignorant, their foolishness is more serious.” ~Ray Grigg. We are a people of unsound and unstable minds and just our mere thinking can kill us when our education becomes an unhealthy exercise. “People are fragile things you should know by now.” ~Corrine Bailey Rae. “True words are not fine-sounding; fine-sounding words are not true. The good man does not prove by argument; and he who proves by argument is not good. True wisdom is different from much learning; much learning means little wisdom.” ~Tao Te Ching. “All-in-all you’re just another brick in the wall. Hey, teacher—leave them kids alone.” (See: “Education,” Plato, Freedumb, Excluded Middle, Aristotelitis, Symbols, Reality-Based, Mistakes, General Semantics, Psychological Alignment, Specialized Language, Negative Capability, Homo Insciens, Paradox, Zen, Error, Failure, Truth, Law, Ph.F. Degree, Psychological Reversal, Inframation, Profane, Substitute Life, Truth Based, Languaculture, The Group, Dozers, Tyrannolaw, Knowledge, Knowingness, Awareness, Wisdom & Disentanglement)

Beneathiopia – any place, people, culture, job or condition wherein one imagines is below you—separated from you—marginalized or undervalued to the point of being made unrecognizable or even invisible


According to FUNKTIONARY:

Beneathiopia – any place, people, culture, job or condition wherein one thinks, feels or imagines is below you—separated from you—marginalized, discounted, or undervalued up to the point of being made unrecognizable or even invisible. Whatever exists in or as “Beneathiopia” becomes devalued, exploited, ignored, discredited, eliminated or otherwise destroyed by the colonizers—the vultures—the elite dominant ruling class culture. (See: Racism & Colonization)


Sleeping Tom: a socially unconscious Afrikan who participates in secret balloting (voting). A Sleepin' Tom lives and reacts out of another culture’s asili or out of the mind of another; not their own

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Sleeping Tom – a person of Afrikan descent who has not consciously awakened to fully embrace his or her own asili (connective cultural tissue, heritage, imprimatur, and imperative). 2) a socially unconscious person of Afrikan descent who participates in secret balloting (voting). A sleepin’ Tom lives and reacts out of another culture’s asili or out of the mind of another; not their own. 3) a Negro who is unaware that he is all souled-out. 4) a Negro who isn’t aware that he is in fact and in deed a certified Sambo. 5) a broken, token Negro; a coin-operative. (See: Straw Boss, Asili, Doublemindedness, Sambo, Uncle Tom-Tom, Coin-Operated, Black Flask Brigade & Secret Ballots)

European psychology - the pathological notion that: "If you can't understand it, fabricate it, identify with it, compete with it. discredit it, or assimilate it, then destroy it" - FUNKTIONARY

According to FUNKTIONARY:

European psychology - the pathological notion that: "If you can't understand it, fabricate it, identify with it, compete with it. discredit it, or assimilate it, then destroy it." (See: Yurugu & Weiteko Disease)

chidults –children in adult bodies—unweaned and often seen 2) Kidults. Dependency and irresponsibility are the offspring of a nation and society obsessed with truth and law instead of reality. D-Blynd

According to FUNKTIONARY

chidults – children in adult bodies—unweaned and often seen. 2) Kidults. Dependency and irresponsibility are the offspring of a nation and society obsessed with truth and law instead of reality. Chidults are the type of insecure misfits who hide behind rules they use to siphon money from their victims. They know nothing of wisdom or love. Chidults, unaware of their pathetic weakness, have no power to protect themselves when the karma of their actions come due. Chidults hide their insecurity by a curious inversion technique. If you can’t have real power (wisdom and self-confindence), then obviously you must find a substitute. Childults are the blame for the 101 Damnations and Miserabelia. Teach and/or demonstrate chidults how to make truths that increase their awareness, thereby increasing their love. As long as we cannot be children we cannot fully become adults. The childhood that we have not fully experienced draws us back to it—even so in our adult bodies. Remember, you’re only young once, but you can be immature indefinitely. (See: Weaning, 101 Damnations, Fear, Miserabelia, Religion, Male-Fraud, Responsibility, Spiritual Maturity & Childish)

Which-Nigger- a Black person routinely racially and spatially profiled for arrest. Never guilty by association but guilty by simply being—a Black man in the wrong place @ the wrong time near any crime

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Which-Nigger – any native Black American who is routinely racially and spatially profiled for arrest as a likely target-suspect. A “Which Nigger” is never guilty by association—but guilty by simply being—a Black man in the wrong place at the wrong time near any alleged or actual crime, waiting for the “justice” railroad (oncoming train) and unaffordable legal representation thereby leaving him with a public defender that will ensure he will be afforded some extra time in prison.

'Colorism: The only appreciable difference between racism and colorism is that we discriminate without power. We are guilty of complicity in the deadly power game of world-wide White Racism Supremacy'

According to FUNKTIONARY

Colorism – the prejudices that Afrikans hold about each other and seemingly use against or to the advantage of themselves and others of relatively similar complexion. 2) skin-tone stratification among melanated people used as a divisive strategy and tactic. Colorism in the cultural context of group power, is an attitude. Colorism is reflected in intra-group interaction— it occurs within a group. In the Euro-cultural context, influence without the perception of a sufficient power base behind it is ignored at best—and invisible at worst—but having the same net effect just the same. The only appreciable difference between racism and colorism is that we discriminate without power. We are guilty of complicity in the deadly power game of world-wide White Racism Supremacy. (See: Racism, RACIST, Power, Political Silence, Sambo, Snigger & ARC)

'OpporTomist – a straight-up opportunist reveling in his tokenhood who has been culturally conditioned into self-hatred and seeks personal gain through obsequious behavior to Caucasian overlings'

According to FUNKTIONARY

Opportomist” – a straight-up opportunist who revels in his tokenhood. 2) a token hood handpicked and taken out of the ‘hood. 3) a lawn jockey. 4) a “Yes-man” for the “Other Man” in derogation of the “Brotherman.” An opportomist is an African-American nameslug who has been acculturated and culturally conditioned into self-hatred and seeks personal gain through obsequious behavior to Caucasian overlings. (See: Sambo, Criss-Crossover, DAMS & Mainstream)

Negrosis: the psychological disease affecting Black People characterized by double-consciousness resulting from the falsification of Afrikan consciousness, history and applied spiritual sciences

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Negrosis – the psychological disease affecting and afflicting native Black Americans, Afrikans, Afrikan-Americans, Negroes and all other people of Afrikan genetic heritage characterized by double-consciousness resulting from the falsification of Afrikan consciousness, history and applied spiritual sciences. (See: Double-Consciousness & Asili)