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Begging For Change, Black Beggars Seek Reparations ['a strategic diversionary tactic in the rebellion'] from Racist Suspects on 14th Street NW in Wash DC

14th and U Streets NW on 10.28.18. Photo courtesy of undeceiver Vincent Brown


Reparation(s) - satisfaction that is made for a wrong and deducted from the satisfaction felt in committing it. Through this analytic-equation, now you know why our ancestors didn't get an ass and 40 acres as you nor your posterior will ever likely receive any... so remember—Free Your Mind.. .Watch Your Ass, because this will never, in any substantive form, come to pass. One danger in reparations is the notion that white America can actually pay for what happened. They can never pay for the level of meta-genocide, mentacide, psycho-spiritual pain and suffering experienced by more than score plus four generations of African descendents dislocated in Amerikka. Reparations are a strategic diversionary tactic in the rebellion towards total liberation, because as the Afrikan People's Intelligence Minister Steve Cokely aptly quips, "You cannot have reparation and exploitation at the same time." (See: AfriCash, Revolution, Rebellion, White Supremacy & Capital Punishment) repartee - a swift witty reply. 2) what a person thinks of after he becomes a departee. (See: Witticisms)