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Always Seeking Better Relations w/His Masters, SNAG Spike Lee Partnered w/the NYPD to Propagandize the [Necessary] Illusion that Cops Exist to Protect & Serve Black People

SNAGs - $nitch-ass Negroes Aiding Governments. 2) COINTEL-BROs. 3) Smile Negro And Grin—while I put it In. SNAGs are coin-operated piece-activist sniggering infiltraitors from the native Black American community who support the psychopathological dominant minority elite European global racist-supremacist mindset and Agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics).

SNAG's are responsible for facilitating agents of various "government intelligence" operations in successfully accomplishing the "wet jobs" (assassinations) and downfall of some of our most cherished leaders, luminary thinkers, uncompromising revolutionaries and lovers of justice for all humanity. SNAGs come in all shapes, colors, sizes and forms within the Black American community but they all share one common thread—self-hatred. Some of the less known but high-exposure SNAGs were Alex Haley (who covertly worked his roots on Malcolm X), Ernest Withers (civil rights photographer and FBI informant), and Justice Thurgood Marshall (also snitching and informing on the Right-Reverend Martin L. King, Jr.) [MORE]

From [HERE] The NYPD paid SNAG, Spike Lee more than $200,000 to help launch a new policing program aimed at improving relations with minority communities.

The department tapped the director in 2016 as a consultant for the campaign, a spokesman for the department’s nonprofit New York City Police Foundation confirmed Thursday. The contract with Lee’s advertising firm, Spike DDB, was for $219,113 — which was paid for by the Police Foundation.

“The Foundation approached and consulted several creative teams including the Spike DDB agency to help develop a public awareness campaign that would aim to strengthen the partnership between the NYPD and the communities it serves,” said spokesman Brady Littlefield. “We received tremendous input and ideas, and that process ultimately resulted in last spring’s neighborhood policing ad campaign.”

The partnership was revealed in the Police Foundation’s most recent tax filing covering some of 2016 and 2017. [MORE]

His latest project is a film called Black Klansman, it tells the allegedly true story of a black detective infiltrating a Colorado Springs chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. Not everyone is certain now is the best time for telling stories about heroic police officers. “Sorry to Bother You” writer-director Boots Riley took to Twitter the day after “BlacKkKlansman” opened to question the nature of the film’s narrative.

“After 40 years of cop shows and cop movies, did we really need one more movie where it’s supposed to be about racism but the cops are the actual heroes of the film and the most effective force against racism?” Riley asked. The director noted his tweet was a “rhetorical question,” indicating the answer is “no.” [MORE] “It’s a made up story in which the false parts of it to try to make a cop the protagonist in the fight against racist oppression,” he writes. “It’s being put while Black Lives Matter is a discussion, and this is not coincidental. There is a viewpoint behind it.”

“For Spike to come out with a movie where story points are fabricated in order to make a Black cop and his counterparts look like allies in the fight against racism is really disappointing, to put it very mildly.” [MOREWas he also paid by the Government to make this film?

Spike Lee's politics always involve an appeal to the moral suasion of racists. His latest project apparently is no different. The poster for the movie states "infiltrate hate." Like many confused victims of racism/white supremacy Spike Lee does not discuss white supremacy as racism. He mostly complains that racism is about bad attitudes & behavior, mean words, stereotypes and inconveniences to Black people. Hence his goals are a moral quest for respect from racists and for more kinder & thoughtful white people - towards those ends he apparently seeks to reform racists with his movies - as they appear to be the indirect target of his messaging and activities. Asking master "to do the right thing" misses the point entirely. At this point in history said goals are entirely pathological and perhaps even a sign of a mental disorder. The master-servant relationship must be destroyed, not updated and refined. 

Dr. Blynd explains, "Racism is not individualistic, but institutional, cultural, economic, political, linguistic, self-perpetuating and systematic." White Supremacy is a power group dynamic involving the relationship between whites and Blacks in a vast system of unequal power. It is economic discrimination by one group over and against another for the purposes of subjugation and/or maintaining the imbalance of power through cooperative control, misinformation, indoctrination, genocide and oppression. [MORE] Belief that racism is only bigotry is a vital part of false programming sold to you by the vested interests for your cooperation and submission to your own oppression. [MORE] Defining racism in terms of bad attitude or bigotry leads to solving the wrong problems. [MORE]

White Supremacy is a con-game in the minds of Black people. Belief in many many lies told to Black people by racists primarily maintains their voluntary compliance with this system of cooperative coercion. Dr. Blynd states, "White Supremacy (Degeneracy) is socially engineering Black Consciousness and/or also responsible for the falsification of Black consciousness." [MORE] FUNKTIONARY states, "Everyone is standardized with the same indoctrination - conditioned under the same mis-education and dis-information. Since we all watch the same TV and download the same standardized education, it never occurs that we are getting conned, uploaded, downgraded, brain-chipped and ultimately faded from memory of being an individual self." 

With such a "socially engineered Black Consciousness" the use of force is not necessary to maintain the unequal balance of power between Blacks & whites. Dr. Amos Wilson explains, 

The threatened use of physical (police and military) force stands behind White power in all its deceptive metamorphoses. But more effective and deeply enduring than the use of physical force or the coercive threat to use it in maintaining the domination of White over Black, is the long-term use by Whites of harshly unrelenting psychic violence against the collective Black persona. For this violence more effectively neutralizes Black opposition to and possible overthrow of White domination than the preponderance of White military might. Psychic violence hobbles the most powerful of human weapons — the human mind and its productive creativity, ingenuity, innovativeness and vision. Moreover, it hobbies the human capacity to develop and press into service the social identity, social consciousness, unity and solidarity, and the cooperative social spirit which combined empower a race to overcome impossible odds posed by other hostile and apparently more powerful races of men. [MORE]

According to Wilson, " It is the White monopoly on psychic violence and their devastatingly ingenious use of it against the minds of Afrikan peoples which represent the greatest threat to Afrikan survival. Through unrelenting psy-ops elite racists have programmed Black people with a falsified Afrikan consciousness. He  explains,

'The final end of the violent White-instigated psychic assaults against the collective psyche of Blacks is to induce in them states of false consciousness, self-alienation and self-hatred so as to irreparably impair their capacity to overthrow their White oppressors through the mobilization of their human and material resources.

False consciousness, self-alienation and self-hatred are conjoining states of mind which motivate oppressed Blacks to engage in continuing self-defeating, self-destructive assaults against their own interests and against themselves. Consequently, by these means Blacks are unwittingly manipulated into forming alliances with their oppressors and exploiters in disempowering themselves and in empowering those who dominate and exploit them all the more.' [MORE]

Wilson explains that such a manufactured mind in a system of white supremacy "requires that Blacks involuntarily and obsessively deceive themselves. This collective self-deception, which is the benchmark of oppressed Black consciousness, is the main product of White-Black social power relations, motivated by anxiety and ignorance, founded on the denial and distortion of reality. [MORE]  Such a group mind makes it impossible for Blacks to become Endependent and/or have a unified group consciousness necessary to successfully build effective and independent Black organizations, businesses & political movements. To exist in a particular society you need a particular mind. [MORE] Elite racists have programmed Blacks to be obedient, citizen-subjects characterized by double-consciousness  - this ruled mind must be dropped.  

Above, Keepin your oppression the realest with Spike Lee. 

Elites racists probably would not be able to maintain the falsified afrikan consciousness without the assistance of coin-operated SNAGs like Spike Lee. Here, he has worked as a paid consultant for the NYPD to create propaganda to deceive Black people. According to FUNKTIONARY, propaganda is 'a psychological technique and means by which the lawless confound the lawful. It is to be used as subversion, which is the undermining or detachment of the loyalties of significant social groups and their transference to the symbols and institutions of the aggressor-oppressor. "It is a political necessity to destroy the African consciousness of colonialized Africans or African people." -Dr. Amos N. Wilson." [MORE]

Naturally, as Alex Vitale observes, "everyone wants to live in safe communities -  but when individuals and communities look to the police to solve their problems they are in essence mobilizing the machinery of their own oppression." In the above video entitled, "familiarity," Lee sells the idea that 'cops are not here to harm you but to protect you.' The commercial features two young Black men [who were the targeted demographic for the ads] voicing their perceptions of cops in a Government sponsored ad - that is, voicing their concerns and desires to a representative Government that is taking their input into account as a way of participating in a democracy, where none exists [another con game]. Thus Lee is pandering a false image of legitimacy to the NYPD, promoting the false concept of authority and hiding the reality of a corporate police state. 

To assist in the creation of such manipulation makes him a traitor and a SNAG -  he is the opposite of Kaepernick - he stands with his lawless oppressors who would choke his little ass to death in broad daylight in front of cameras & witnesses Eric Garner style and get away with it because that is the way "it" works - "authority" said so. Cops exist primarily to manage the behavior of Blacks & Latinos within a free-range prison controlled by Government. Their goal is to place you in greater confinement.  As Dr. Blynd observes, "people who are awake see cops as mercenary guards that remind us daily through acts of force, that we are simultaneously both enemies and slaves of the Corporate State - colonized, surveilled and patrolled by the desensitized and lobotomized drones of the colonizers." Their authority is not legitimate because none is - it is a main source of your oppression. It is rule through your coerced participation and nothing more. Any protection from cops is incidental and random - making us safe is not their goal.

[To be clear here, as defined in FUNKTIONARY, "corporate state" refers to "an asexual, amoral, fictionalized group-entity "created" and operated by thieves (territorial gangsters) who endeavor via illusion and coercion to enforce slavery in the guise of "civilization," form over reality, and law over humanity. "Corporate Police State" refers "to the enforcer of the commodification of life within the Spectacle Surveillance Society. Anyone who thinks that he or she is immune to the baseless destruction of his or her life (including immediate family members) by a "government" or corporation does live in a happy menagerie—enjoy your illusions." [MORE]] 

And cops do not serve Black & Latino people. 'To expect the master to serve the slave and to expect power to be used solely for the benefit of the one being controlled, not the one in control - is ridiculous.'

Larken Rose explains, "In the United States there is a ruling class and a subject class, and the differences between them are many and obvious. One group commands, the other obeys. One group demands huge sums of money, the other group pays. One group tells the other group where they can live, where they can work, what they can eat, what they can drink, what they can drive, who they can work for, what work they can do, and so on. One group takes and spends trillions of dollars of what the other group earns. One group consists entirely of economic parasites, while the efforts of the other group produce all the wealth." In the context of the system of racism/white supremacy Blacks and Latinos would therefore be in the powerless class, a sub-group within the "subject class" or in the basement of power. 

In this system, it is patently obvious who commands and who obeys. [Black] people are not the “government,” by any stretch of the imagination, and it requires profound denial to believe otherwise. Nevertheless, propaganda and "predictive programming" have achieved such a result and maintain such beliefs in the falsified consciousness of oppressed Black people. Such a consciousness filled with stupid beliefs is the only thing that holds the system of racism/white supremacy together. Without such false programming, elite racists would be forced to rule through brute force or yield. SNAG's like Spike Lee help to make this racist projection or false reality possible.