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Toot Toot, All Aboard Captain Trump’s Paper Boat! Poll Shows President is as Popular as he's ever been - Thanks to his Stupid, Unaccountable Neuropean & Neuropeon Believers


CNN states: “Here's an indisputable fact: President Donald Trump is as popular today as he has been since his first day in office.

In a new Gallup poll, 49% approve of the job Trump is doing as president while 45% disapprove, matching the highest his approval rating has ever been in Gallup surveys. A Monmouth University poll released on Monday showed Trump at 46% approval, again the best he has done in that poll in more than three years.” [CNN]

Although Mr. Chump is a blithering idiot incapable of managing a pack of rubber bands and whether neuropeans and neuropeons derive any tangible, material benefits from his policies, they are apparently living through him vicariously - as they enjoy watching him practice racism and indulge in other mindless vulgar ignorance. Most of the time Trump does and says exactly what his believers want to see and hear. Neuropeans and neuropeons, all of them racist, apparently love feeling necessary to his power and domination over non-white people and love being dominated by him. As explained by Doc. Blynd white degeneracy has been wrongly cast as white supremacy.

Trump fulfills a need and if he wasn't around some other deceivers would take his place.  Neuropeans and neuropeons create their own deceivers, they give Trump the opportunity and want to be deceived. OSHO explains “There are millions of people who are ready to be deceived, who are simply waiting for someone to come and deceive them - because of their beliefs, because of their vicious desires, because of their greed.” He says:

“The ego can try to influence, then it feels good, dominating, but remember that the ego also feels good being dominated. The masters feel good because so many slaves are dominated, and the slaves also feel good being dominated.

There are two types of mind in the world: the mind of those who dominate - the male mind, and the mind of those who like to be dominated - the female mind. By female I don't mean women, or by male, men. There are women who have masculine minds and there are men who have feminine minds. They are not always the same.

These are the two types of mind: one which likes to dominate and one which likes to be dominated. In both ways ego is fulfilled because whether you dominate or are dominated YOU are important. If someone dominates you, then too you are important, because his domination depends on you. Without you, where will he be? Without you, where will his kingdom be, his domination, his possession? Without you, he will be nobody.”

Ego is fulfilled at both the extremes, only in the middle does ego die. Don't be dominated and don't try to dominate.

Just think what will happen to you. You are not important in any way, not significant in any way, neither as a master nor as a slave. Masters cannot live without slaves and slaves cannot live without masters - they need each other, they are complementary. Just like men and women, they are complementary. The other is required for their fulfillment.”

Don't be either.” [MORE]

[and so it goes also in the relationship between racists and niggers in a system of RSW. That is, RSW is maintained through cooperative control, a voluntary, consensual master-servant relationship between racists and compliant Black people. Racists need complementary Black people to willingly play subordinate servant roles to maintain their master position - ‘it is our behavior, our values, our consciousness, the kind of personalities we’ve established in ourselves, our taste, our desires and needs that maintains neuropeans in their dominant position.’ [MORE] Needless to say w/in said relationship elite racists function as Black people’s parents, bosses, managers, and major decision-makers. Master-servant relations have nothing to do with demographics or political party affiliation. Neuropeans and neuropeons both seek to have master-servant relations with Black people - Blacks who participate & fulfill this role may be described as niggers MORE.]

OSHO warns “Don't be a participant in any deception, be very, very alert.”

Naturally, the actual identity of the neuropeans and neuropeons who voted for Mr. Trump is unknown b/c elections in a so-called democracy use secret/anonymous ballots. As a result, voters avoid all personal responsibility and accountability for the acts of the puppetician who allegedly “represents them.”

Neuropeons - neurotic, stupid and self deluded poor white trash. 2) skin heads 3) Nazis, neo-Nazis and Theo-nazis (See KKK, WOTAN, Weitko Disease, Fasxism, Racism White Supremacy, Stupidity, Ku Klux Klan & Yurungu).  

Neuropeans - (Neurotic Europeans) - neurotic, ignorant, narcissistic and self-deluded white supremacist Caucasians operating at the mythic and rational levels of consciousness only. 2) Fascists. (See Weitko Disease, White Supremacy and Yurungu.)

Believer - one who accepts that which has no basis in reality. 2) a person who enjoys being deceived. A believer does not seek—just accepts theologies and/or ideologies. 3) one who is addicted to vanity and/or chained to convention with conviction. 4) one who lives in a cloud of illusions, confounded by language and its deceptions. Believers are people who make their lives subjective slaves to a mere belief—engineered my limited and fragmented understanding and fostered by erroneous conclusions based solely on effects and appearances. A true believer would rather believe in something and be wrong than not believe in it and be right. 

dumfuxx - those who are terminally stuck-on-stupid—who buy into the stupid part of anything—attached to their stupidity.

dummies - creatures that obliviously accept and protect the parameters imposed on them by their unavowed or avowed enemies. (See: Cowards, Dupe-lification, Dummy Return, Reality Boxes, Knowledge Vacuums & Orglings)

belief-based truth - a description or perception of reality, (the content of which comprises what we call "truth"), that one desires or hopes to be true, despite external scientific, natural, or reproducible proof-based truth to the contrary. People all-too-often compromise their integrity and/or intelligence by devising truth which disallows any proof by design, as part and parcel of its ruse to allure its believers)—and even the truth that carries proof cannot be proven against the undeniable uncertainty of Reality. You fall prey to (or fall for) the illusions of proof if you ignore the pure subjectivity of reality. Illusions of scientific proof follow illusions of limits, and illusions of religious proof follow illusions of truth. Science makes truth out of proof, while belief-based religions make proof out of truth. (See: Infinity, Proof, Revelatory Truth, Absolute Truth & Belief System)