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Wear a Mask or Get Dragged Off the Bus: A Gang of White Philadelphia Cops Violently Assault Black Man to En-Force Compliance with Virus Law in System of Coercive Authority [Demockery]

NON-VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE NOT ALLOWED. After a viral backlash today SEPTA says it will no longer enforce a policy requiring riders to wear facial coverings after a widely shared video showing a Black man being dragged off a bus by a group of white cops, allegedly for not wearing one, prompted confusion about whether masks were mandatory while riding public transit.

The video shows several white Philadelphia police officers forcibly removing the man, who is later heard saying he was taken off the bus for not wearing a mask. “The police were responding to the fact that the person was asked to leave the bus and refused,” Managing Director Brian Abernathy said during the city’s news conference Friday. “I would expect my officers to continue to do that and support our SEPTA workers.” [MORE]

Such is the nature of unaccountable authority in a legal system that is based on force and violence. Michael Huemer explains “commands are often enforced with threats to issue further commands, yet that cannot be all there is to it. At the end of the chain must come a threat that the violator literally cannot defy. The system as a whole must be anchored by a non-voluntary intervention, a harm that the state can impose regardless of the individual’s choices. That anchor is provided by physical force.”

You can play pretend that you voluntarily comply with government authority all you want - but the reality is comply with the law or eventually authoritarians will place you in greater confinement.

FUNKTIONARY explains, “injustice” is the by-product of authority and its enforcement through legal fictions: the Corporate Police State and their tribunals. 2) forced obligations.

It states, “demockery” is “a spectacle of the true nature of democracy.” Democracy is “Dictatorship camouflaged as freedom. . . next to "monetized debt," and direct taxation (on labor) it is the biggest con-game perpetrated on a population. Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain and sustain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that lie, they make wonderfully submissive and self-maintained slaves.” [MORE]