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Indiana AG Suspended: Disappointed Racist Suspect Democrats & Republicans Grew Intolerant of Outspoken Token Nigratary who Failed to Fulfill Servant Role

From [HERE] The Indiana Supreme Court on Monday denied a request from Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb [R] to clarify whether Attorney General Curtis Hill [R] should be removed from office because of the 30 day suspension of his law license. 

The governor in a May 12 motion asked the court whether Hill's suspension, which began Monday, would result in his removal. If Hill is removed, according to the court filing, the governor wanted to appoint a new attorney general.

Curtis Hill is the first African American man to become Indiana Attorney General. In 2018, Hill was accused of sexual misconduct by four white women, prompting calls for his resignation. Hill has denied the allegations. A subsequent investigation by a special prosecutor found the allegations credible, but also found that there was insufficient evidence to convict Hill of a crime. Indiana's Supreme Court, however, suspended Hill from his duties for a period of 30 days beginning on May 12, 2020, because of the allegations. [MORE]

In 2016, Hill ran as a Republican for Indiana attorney general, seeking to succeed Greg Zoeller, who did not seek reelection. Hill ran against former Lake County Circuit Court Judge Lorenzo Arredondo, the Democratic nominee.[10] Hill significantly outspent Arredondo in the race.

According to Indianapolis Monthly “Hill’s not here to make friends, anyway. In the 19 months since he put his hand on a Bible and was sworn in as Indiana’s first black male attorney general, he has made headlines here and around the country for a string of provocative positions. He has tangled with fellow Republicans, including Governor Eric Holcomb, on hot topics ranging from needle-exchange programs for drug addicts to marijuana-derived CBD oil for, um, dogs.

“He’s been controversial,” acknowledges local political observer Brian Howey, who has published the nonpartisan Howey Politics Indiana since 1994. “I don’t think I’ve seen one of the constitutional officers in the Statehouse be so willing to buck his own governor and his own party.”

These days, thanks to appearances on Fox News and interviews with newspapers such as the Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, Hill has established a national profile that seems, strangely, more favorable with the GOP at large than Republican wonks here at home. He tweets about national issues, like the Charlottesville riot and the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Accord—topics that don’t exactly leap to mind as the purview of the Indiana attorney general. He writes essays criticizing NFL players kneeling during the anthem. Then he goes on TV to expound on those theories (in Hill’s view, African Americans should focus more on black-on-black violence than police brutality).

So is Hill a stand-up guy, or a guy who grandstands? I asked—but state Republicans get very quiet when the subject is Curtis Hill.” [MORE] [lol. how stupid]

One less Black attorney for a month. 95% of all prosecutors are white. Such numbers may sound surprising but in the context of all attorneys in the U.S. they are the norm: according to the ABA only 5% of all attorneys are Black. Said number has remained steady from 2009 - 2019. The legal profession is nearly all white: specifically, it is 85% white, 5% Black, 5% Latino, 2% Asian American and 1% Native American. [MORE] and [MORE]

The essence of the system of racism white supremacy depends upon a cooperative master servant relationship in which whites occupy the dominant position. Whether Republican or Democrat, racists expect, need and survive off of their master/servant relationship with non-white people. It is maya to believe such relations depend upon electoral politics. Towards said ends Blacks are filtered into some positions of power and tolerated there with the understanding that they fulfill a servant role to elite whites, playing by their rules and executing their objectives.

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explains “the myth of white superiority is exploded in the presence of equitable social and economic opportunity. The white personality, in the presence of color, can be stabilized only by keeping Blacks and other non-whites in obviously inferior positions. The situation of mass proximity to Blacks is intolerable to whites because Blacks are inherently more than equal.”

According to FUNKTIONARY:

nigrataries - (outspoken token) negro dignitaries, e.g. Clarence Thomas, JD, LJ (juris doctorate/lawn jockey), Armstrong Williams LJ, et. al of like ilk. (see cross-overtime, sniggers, sambozo, criss-crossover, coin-operated & cross-over).

Black Conservative - a lost sheep in master's clothing. A black conservative typically has nothing of his own to conserve with the exception of his or her own double-consciousness. So-called "Black Conservatives" dodge the reality of their folly and posit is that what they truly are conserving is traditional "values" as if values ever had anything whatsoever to do with morality or ethics. A black conservative unknowingly preserves the differential power-relations and dynamics between those of African descent he and their bosses, the overruling overclass elite. A black conservative is a turncoat made of wooly hair with no one to turn to tie because when it comes to empowering his own people, his master will turn to him say: "Get your hat, your robe and coat and leave—you're still just a nigger Clarence!" (See: Sambo, Nigger, Somnamnesiac, Values, Status Quo, Strawboss, Double Consciousness, Overclass, Uncle Tom. Status-Quoticians & Assimilationism)