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[RIOTS = Revolt Is Oppression Taken Seriously] The Ignored & Fed-Up Herd Protest the Government Murder of George Floyd. White Cop Tortured Restrained Black Man to Death in the Street

From [HERE] Shots were fired Thursday evening at the Colorado State Capitol in Denver where people had gathered to protest the death of 46-year-old George Floyd in police custody, authorities said. But in Minneapolis, where Floyd died, a hundreds-strong march remained peaceful while demanding that four now-fired officers be arrested in a case that’s generated nationwide outrage.

As federal and local officials said they continue to investigate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) activated the state’s National Guard to respond to upheaval, including violent clashes and razed buildings, in the Twin Cities area. 

Viral video captured a white cop on Monday torturing Floyd to death by pressing his knee into his neck while he was already subdued and handcuffed. Floyd begged for his life, the officer seemed to enjoy it while an Asian cop stood nearby to obscure the view of onlookers and cameras.

Here are some significant developments:

  • Local and federal officials have yet to announce any charges against the officers involved but emphasized at a news conference Thursday evening that they are making the inquiry into Floyd’s death a top priority.

  • The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday called on the Justice Department to investigate whether the death of George Floyd was part of a “pattern or practice of unconstitutional conduct” by the Minneapolis Police Department.

  • The mayor of St. Paul asked people to stay home amid a “rapidly devolving” situation in the capital, as police there said they were trying to disperse groups damaging property and looting.

  • Officers used tear gas on protesters gathered outside a St. Paul Target where police have struggled to maintain order throughout the day and said they have been assaulted.

  • Floyd’s family will seek an independent autopsy of his body because it does not trust Minneapolis city officials, an attorney for the family said Thursday on CNN.

  • Floyd’s death also sparked rallies in other parts of the country Wednesday. In Memphis, a crowd gathered outside a police building and chanted “No justice, no peace.” In Los Angeles, protesters blocked a freeway and confronted a California Highway Patrol vehicle. [MORE]