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Halfrocentric CNN Disinfotainer Don Lemon Interrupts Rev William Barber’s Substantive Analysis of the System of Miserabilia with Childish Rant about Rich Celebrities’ Non-involvement w/Protests

ZERO FUCKS Don about white celebrities & showcase Blacks who profit from the system of racism white supremacy.  

As explained by Dr. Blynd, "Avoid those that do not read, and never let them lead." Over the past decade elite racists in media have gradually fazed out older, outdated Black rolebots who functioned as black spokespersons or "leaders" (symbolic leadership or leadership as performance or HNIC's) such as Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, Tavis Smiley, Farrakhan, Eric Dyson etc and gradually replaced them with entertainers & athletes and other bots who are ignorant, poorly informed and demonstrate scant knowledge, grasp of details, the ability to intellectually debate, make meaningful proposals and/or have poor communication skills. [MORE] Contrary to what Don is saying white celebrities & sport’s stars do not craft policy for white folk. Real persons like Rev Barber, Cornel West or Professor Griff are rarely heard on mainstream media - which is why it was disappointing when emotional Don, not comprehending what Barber was saying, interrupted him with child speak and stupid questions about the state of celebrity activism.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Miserabilla- The I01 Damnations, e.g., Damn the: so-called European Enlightenment, Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism, the Ma'afa, European Civilization, Terrorcrats, Anglo-Saxon Zionist White Supremacy, Neuropeans, Privateers, Gangbanking, Willie Lynch Syndrome, Christendomination, Middle Passage, Dark Ages, Corporate State, "Holy" Roman Empire, The Inquisition, Mindless Belief, Witch-Hunts, Monopoly Capitalism (Imperialism), Modernism, Eurocentrism, Yurugu, Pax Americana, White Man's Burden, Negropeans, Pious Frauds, Predatory Economics, the Casino Economy, Heterophobia, Homophobia, Gynocidal and Fratricidal Patriarchy, Child Abuse, Excrescence, Canonized S'aints, Affluenza, the PrisonIndustrial Complex (Neo-Slavery), Sexploitation, Slavery (Wage & Mental), Lynchings, Bumings, Assassinations, DefactoRegimes, Defuctover Natives and Aborigines, Auschwitz, The Federal Hollyork Complex, Sniggers, Quotabacks, Stalinism, Leninism, Communism, Formal Education, Terrorists (Religious and Political), Deaducation, Voluntiered Slavery, Fascism, Monopoly Capitalism, Marxism, Socialism (Scientific and Unscientific), Imperialism, "Tick Tock," Socialization, Acculturation (Cultural Conditioning), The Syndrome, "The Lock," Maya Banking, S&M Banking, SNAGs, Sniggers, National Security Memorandum 46, Wet Squads, Drug Cartels and Despotic Regimes, the Spectacle Society, Egonomics, Eugenicide, Hidalgo, Strawman, TIN-Man, Doggy, Provocatourism, Fabianism, Covert Government-Initiated Terrorist Attacks, Leviathan, Thought Police, Bio-warfare (AIDS), CIA, NOWINTELPRO, Rex 84, ECHELON, "MK-ULTRA, .... Garden Plot," "Cable  Splicer," NSA, IRS, FICA, MJTF, ATTF, IMF, FDIC (Know Your Customer Spy-Ops), COINTELPRO & AFROINTELPRO).