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For the Sake of Their Own Positive Self-Perception, the Racist Community, Governments & Dependent Media Must Perceive Protestors as ‘Outsiders, Anarchists’ not People w/Legitimate Concerns

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SEAN HANNITY: If you have curfews, you enforce them. Overwhelming nonlethal force, including every tool at their disposal built around the perimeters and then of course you use what's necessary safely to disperse the crowd. Not brain surgery. That would mean tear gas, mace if necessary, rubber bullets. If you have the police in place, the perimeter is small enough, they will disperse. And by the way, if they needed additional help, the administration has been saying for days they will send the help that they need. Now the president, well, he will go in and clean up their mess, just like he handled their lack of preparation for a pandemics as well. As Andrew Mccarthy pointed out in a recent article, the President has the constitutional authority and power through the National Guard and of course our military. It's called the Insurrection Act. He has the full authority to go into these states and restore order which he now must do because they didn't do it.

AMERICAN SOCIETY- CRIMOGENIC SOCIETY & GOVERNMENT. A racist and imperialistic society is a crimogenic society. Racism and imperialism are crimes against humanity and certain non-white people. When you combine the two you have a crimogenic society - meaning it is the source of crimes and a generator of criminality, a creator of criminals. It is a society run by criminals and one that ultimately criminalizes its population. [MORE]]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

projection - a highly emotional charged activity (dynamic energy) that occurs whenever an unknown aspect of yourself sees itself in somebody else. Whatever you're unaware of about yourself is always noticed in other people first. Remember that everything (i.e., known and disowned traits, unconscious) is projected. If you can't stand someone else for some seemingly unknown reason then you have the disliked feature or aspect in you but are unaware of its existence or presence within you. You notice it in someone else but its origin is in you. 2) "seeing" feelings, motives or attitudes in another that are really in ourselves only. 3) personified versions of one's own personality. 4) capacity for "charging" a particular area or energy system. 5) a false cause. 6) an unsettling hidden worry—deep seated in the psyche. Projections are illusions created by shadows of one's mind. Fear is often the template for its own manifestation. Projection is the vibration that we don't appreciate in someone else resonating with what we don't like in (or about) ourselves and is the source of most prejudice. "If you have hate for something there, this is yourself, though hard to bear. For you are I and I am thou. You hate in you what you despise. You hate yourself and think it's me." -Frederick S. Perls. [MORE]

Dr. Amos Wilson further explains,

“Textbooks aside, we must recognize that defensive projection is a way of life, a way of being and moving in the world. Projection does not only require an attributing to, or projecting of the ego's self-incriminating characteristics on the other, but a transformation of internal, potentially disorganizing contradictions into externalized attributive images and tensions; images and tensions which serve to structurally maintain the functionally dynamic organization of the ego. To project threat is to see it reflected in the face of the projective target or person. This self-instigated reflection creates a reactive psychological experience in the projecting ego. The ego projects threats and is threatened by its own reflected projection. Yet it denies or is unaware of its projective participation and creation of the threat it perceives, and believes it to be radiating independently from the other.

Through projection, the White American community transfers or exports its external contradictions — the conflicts, self-incriminations and tensions they engender — from itself to the African American community. By this means it rids itself of certain discomforts and discontents by forcing them on the Black community and perceiving them as originating in that community. By so doing it can better deny those characteristics in itself.

The same characteristics which when they are endemic to the White community and are perceived as threatening to its equilibrium, integrity and functionality, are externalized onto the Black community through projection. Consequently, the threats that come from inside the White community are perceived as coming from the outside Black community and are therefore perceived as generated by the latter. Thus the White community makes it appear that it is threatened by a menacing Black community; an evil, criminal, Black community which jeopardizes its existence: not the evil criminal inclinations it contains within its own bosom. By compulsively defending itself against the projected "threat" the Black community represents, the White community defends itself against its own self-generated, but self-denied, threats. The White community thereby becomes blind to its own negative characteristics and the positive characteristics of its scapegoat, the Black community.

Through projection the White community seeks to transform its evil, criminal, genocidal characteristics and intentions into good, law-abiding characteristics and intentions. Thus its evil becomes good. Once it projectively criminalizes the Black community it feels free to treat it criminally. Thus, to defend its own positive self-perception against knowledge  of its own criminality, the White community must falsely accuse the Black community of criminality. For the sake of its own positive self-perception, the White community needs to perceive the Black community as criminal, whether or not such is the case.

When the projecting party or projectionist has superior influential advantages, as in the case of the White community relative to the Black community, projection becomes introjection, an act of creation, of transforming and conditioning reality. Introjection refers to the process by which the individual incorpo­rates  and accepts the prohibitions, values, attitudes,  and commands of others as his own even when their acceptance and incorporation may work against his objective interests. In addition to its usual meaning, introjection as used herein refers to the process by which a more powerful party through various means, "forces" a weaker party to accept or behave in accordance with his projected values, attitudes and such. When the projectionist is the more powerful, the chief reinforcer and punisher, his projection becomes not only an instrument of ego-defensive self-deception, but also an instrument for provoking self-deception in the other, the target of his projections. The distorted reality and falsified consciousness of the projective target, through introjection, becomes the reality distortion and falsification of the consciousness of the projecting party.

The projective relations between the relatively powerful White community and relatively powerless Black community constitute an authentic process of transformational social interaction. The dominant White community, by controlling the rhythm of Black community life, controls to a significant extent the setting and experience of Black people, their self-perception and perception of reality. The dominant White community, by means of projec­tion, acts in ways that organize the motivational systems of the Black community so that those systems are a functional reflection of the White community's psychopolitical needs. Introjective projection onto the African community occurs when that commu­nity accepts and internalizes the stereotypical characterization of itself as projected by another.

Introjective projection is accomplished when through its manipulative use of reward and punishment, control of informa­tion, definition of reality, etc., the White community inculcates in the collective personality of that community, a complementary and supportive set of values, norms, and patterns of behavior. Through the projective activities of the White community the collective character of the Black community is effectively deformed, defiled, and motivated to concretely demonstrate the characteristics stereotypically ascribed to it. By these and other means, the pathology in the White community becomes infec­tiously represented in the Black community. “[MORE]