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Just Another Wednesday in the “Israelien" Democracy as Soldiers Demolish Another Under-construction Palestinian Home in the Occupied Palestinian Capital Jerusalem

From [HERE] Israeli soldiers demolished, Wednesday, an under-construction Palestinian home in the Jabal al-Mokabber neighborhood in the occupied Palestinian capital Jerusalem.

Media sources said several army and police jeeps invaded the neighborhood accompanied by a bulldozer and demolished the property.

They added that the City Council in occupied Jerusalem is alleging that the building was being constructed without a permit.

The demolished property was around 90 square meters, owned by Saifuddin Ali Jom’a, in the Shayyah area.

Many Palestinians in the occupied city resort to constructing their homes without permits due to Israel’s continued refusal to issue these permits, while the expanding families find themselves living in small homes or apartments.

|If You Build It, They Will Come: B’Tselem|

This happens while Israel continues to build and expand its illegal, segregated colonies in the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem, in direct violation of International Law, the Fourth Geneva Convention in addition to various United Nations and Security Council resolutions.

Last week, the United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) for the Occupied Palestinian Territory has reported that Israel demolished or seized 100 Palestinian-owned structures, a sharp increase compared with previous months and the highest figure since January 2017. As a monthly average, the number of structures targeted during the first half of 2020.

OCHA also stated that Israel has, so far this year, demolished 371 structures in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, displacing 412 Palestinians.

In addition, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition (ICAHD) has reported, on July 6th, that Israel has demolished 101 structures, displacing 137 Palestinians, and affecting 435 others, in June.

In the year 2019, the army demolished 623 structures, displacing 914 Palestinians in the occupied territory.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Israeliens - imposter (pale interloper alien) Hebrews—Eastern European stock Caucasians who adopted the philosophy, myths, fables, and traditions of the so-called "Jews" while living in Russia—masquerading as if they had any genetic or historical ancestry and cultural heritage to the Afrikan Hebrews, the Afrim people, who occupied Canaan (Palestine) from ancient times. 2) those who currently are occupying Palestine (the land of Canaan), colonizing and killing its rightful descendants, historic owners and dwellers), and are undeniably alien (foreign—not aboriginal) to that land. 3) imposter Hebrews originating from the Pale of Settlement in Kazzarian Russia currently an occupying force (militarily holed-up and propped-up by US financial support and British skullduggery) in occupied Palestine. 4) alien Jews—Pinchbeck Hebrews. Israeliens are East Europeans with no genetic or actual historic ties whatsoever to the land now called Palestine. Israeliens have brainwashed (and fooled themselves and many others into believing this historical lie and propaganda that they are the descendants of "Jews" (a misnomer for African Hebrews, itself a misnomer for the Afrim people). Anyone with a modicum of research skills, knowledge of basic geography, philology, and an unbiased-by-religious-myth mind can easily confirm or validate this fact for his or herself. Both so-called Sephardic and Askanazzim "Jews" are not historically tied to the Afrim. It's not that Caucasians who have adopted the "Jewish" religion shouldn't have a place to live—but how about suggesting relocating where they came from—the hills of Russia, and not on another peoples" land. You don't invade (break into) someone's house (property) and expect them to just go away and not fight to get it back (despite how much force, murdering, deception, and propaganda that is brought to bear to justify such wrongful invasion and genocide). Psychological repression is both invisible and reflexive. (See: Zionism, USS Liberty, Gulf of Tonkin, Genocide, Immigrant Human, Evolution, Caucasian, Pilgarlick, El & Judaism)