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Bodycam Shows 3 Uncivilized White Lafayette Cops Attempt to Murder a Black Man by Turning a Police Dog Loose on Him "to get Him off a Moped." K-9 Mauled His Neck for 90 Seconds, 6 Days in Coma

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Yurugu - a mythological figure within the Dogon tribe (Africa) who is "the incomplete being" (fiend without a face) referring to Neuropeans (neurotic Europeans) within the European asili. 2) a regressive (degenerative) state of consciousness where the soul is cut off from itself. 3) the inability to recognize or abate unacknowledged destructive capabilities. Yurugu also expresses itself and manifests as the pathological condition that utterly fails to convince those in geographical proximity of its harmlessness, therefore has to kill them. Yurugu is in a vicious spiral increasingly at odds with his own humanity—as fragmented, pathological, and distorted as it is. [MORE]

Force - the source or sources of all possible actions of the particles or materials of the universe(s). 2) the manipulation of a man or woman in disregard of its own volition or nature. 3) the use of an outside physical coercion of any kind by one or more humanoids against another or others in order to make him/her or them obedient and compliant to higher or their will. 4) the basis of all social evils and can only be used in the sense of attack not defense. 5) You must! In the way I say! 6) the social disease. "Force (coercion) and fraud are the foundation of all social systems and the source of the aroma which they exhale." --Max Nomad. "Force" operates to remove personal volition from opportunity to act or not act. Someone '`makes" you behave in a certain way by threatening to injure or enslave you, someone you love, or something you prize, if you do not behave in that way. Force operates to obtain an intended behavior when the forced party would otherwise have exhibited a different behavior. Punishment, pain, suffering, and discomfort characterize force. Unfortunately, governments only function by force. Once established, they put laws into effect by threatening persecution, imprisonment, fine, or death against all who don't comply with those laws--including the use of the force continuum. [MORE]

“YOU’RE GONNA GET DOG BIT. HERE HERE HERE!” COMPULSORY PUBLIC SERVICE FROM YURUGU IN A SYSTEM OF PHYSICAL COERCION. From [HERE] and [HERE] Authorities have released additional police video footage and 911 audio in the May arrest of a Black northwestern Indiana man who was mauled by a police dog while being arrested for suspected battery.

A special prosecutor and the state police are investigating allegations that three Lafayette police officers used excessive force when arresting Richard Bailey Jr., who was seriously injured.

Bailey’s lawyers previously released some police video of the dog attack and the moments leading up to it in which officers tell Bailey to get off a moped and warn him that they will use a K-9 unit if he doesn't comply.

Bailey's attorneys called the use of the dog, which mauled Bailey's neck for 30 seconds, “extraordinarily violent” and said the three white officers used excessive force because Bailey is Black, according to the Journal & Courier. They said the 46-year-old Bailey spent days in a medically-induced coma after the attack and could have died.

As the dog viciously mauls his neck the white cop has the audacity to order “put your hands behind your back.” When the Black man stops moving the white cop grabs the dog to stop him from biting. He says, “good job.”

Attorneys Swaray Conteh and Fatima Johnson says that video shows the police had the intent to kill the Black man.

Police canines are bred and trained by authoritarians to ensure that their bite is far more severe than a normal dog bite. The pressure from a police canine bite has been likened by one court to the force of being run over by a car. For decades, the canine-industry contended that police dogs usually cause only minor injuries and bite for 10 to 15 seconds. The era of body cams and cellphone recordings shows they often bite for much longer and cause significant injury. Unlike normal dogs, police canines are trained to bite hard, use all their teeth and bite multiple times. Studies have found that over 3,500 police canine bitesannually result in emergency room visits, and that canine force results in a higher proportion of hospital visitations than any other type of police force. On rare occasions, police canines have killed people, including a suspected burglar, a likely trespasser and a homeless woman.

This level of violence cannot be justified by the threat posed. Police dogs routinely use force that unquestionably would be unlawful if used directly by a police officer. The dogs are overwhelmingly set on people suspected of crimes like burglary, car theft, trespassing, traffic violations or “fleeing” from the police, and often used during political protests and on Non-Whites in immigration raids. [MORE]

They told the newspaper that the 911 call doesn't offer a complete story of what happened in the house before police arrived.

“What the 911 tape failed to mention is that Mr. Bailey was attacked with a knife, had a gun pointed at him, and yet still managed to inflict less damage to his attackers than the police did to him,” said Elayne Rivers, a spokeswoman for Johnson’s law firm.

Police have called the allegations against the department baseless. ???