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Is Trump More Likely to Get Crushed by Biden, Have a Heart Attack or Steal the Election? Voter Purge Expert Greg Palast says He’s Already Rigged It [Again] by Erasing Non-White Voters Off Voter Rolls

Yesterday the Cook Report predicted “This election is looking more like a Democratic tsunami than simply a Blue wave. President Trump, mired in some of the lowest job approval ratings of his presidency, is trailing Biden by significant margins in key battleground states like Pennsylvania (8 points), Michigan (9 points), and Wisconsin (9 points). He’s even running behind Biden in his firewall states of Florida and North Carolina. 

We’ve made changes to our Electoral College ratings to reflect this reality. 

  • WisconsinPennsylvania, and Nebraska’s 2nd district move from Toss Up to Lean Democrat.

  • Maine, once in Lean Democrat, moves to the safer Likely Democratic category. 

  • Georgia has joined Arizona, North Carolina and Florida in the Toss Up column, although, at this point, Biden would be slightly favored to win at least Arizona and Florida. 

  • Maine’s 2nd district has moved from Likely Republican to a more competitive Lean Republican. 

These moves alone push Biden over the 270 electoral vote threshold (to 279).” [MORE

Said predictions are based on the assumption that all votes are actually counted. Voter suppression expert Greg Palast says, “Trump didn’t win in 2016. And I’m not talking about Trump losing the popular vote. Trump lost the Electoral College. That is, he lost if you count all the votes burgled, jacked, swiped, shoplifted, purloined, filched, fiddled and snatched from citizens not of a whitish orange hue.

And unless we wise up, 2020 will be déjà vu all over again.“ [MORE]

His research in a new book is set to drop on July 14th. Gullible Dems and their dependent media will probably pay no attention to it until its all over and then do nothing to protect the so-called voting rights of Black and Latino people. [MORE]

Greg Palast says, “Trump didn’t win in 2016. And I’m not talking about Trump losing the popular vote. Trump lost the Electoral College. That is, he lost if you count all the votes burgled, jacked, swiped, shoplifted, purloined, filched, fiddled and snatched from citizens not of a whitish orange hue.

And unless we wise up, 2020 will be déjà vu all over again.“ [MORE]

Palast’s previous research demonstrated that Trump stole the 2016 using the Interstate Crosscheck program. The program is a voter erasing system in which millions of Black, Latino & Asian voters were removed from voter rolls in swing states by a so-called "voter fraud" program created by the GOP. Thirty (30) states participated in Interstate Crosscheck. Palast calls Crosscheck the "Great White Hope Machine."  

Interstate Crosscheck removed voters from the voter list if a voter's name appeared to be registered in more than one state. Around 7 million names were put on the list of “potential double voters” before the 2014 election. Crosscheck then compares each state’s list with lists from other states in the program. Specifically, according to Palast, the Crosscheck list contains 7,264,422 voters.

Although the Crosscheck program aims to prevent individuals from voting in more than one state in the same election, Crosscheck has been doing the exact opposite and is used to remove legitmate voters from voting rolls. Greg Palast has claimed that before a single vote was even cast, the election was already fixed by Trump operatives who eliminated millions of legitimate African American, Latino and Asian voters from the voter rolls in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. [MORE]

Palast’s previous work on the 2016 election theft was corroborated by a study by professors from Yale, Harvard, Stanford and U Penn. Dependent media looked the other way. [MORE]