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After Emotional Orgy [election+riot] Restrictions Normalize in the Free Range Prison's Capitol as Sleepwalkers Buy Champagne Off the Shelves and the Homeless Resume the Search for the Grate Outdoors

Inauguration Day 2021 in the Nation’s Capitol. Photo courtesy of undeceiver Vincent Brown

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Realitarian - one who acknowledges reality over truth, substance over form, subjective truth over objective truth, natural over artificial, clarity over fuzziness and see abidance of presence in expanded awareness. 2) one who subscribes to the applied radical transformative Realigion of Reality-Cracking. 3) one who rigorously hacks his or her own brain (wetware) for bugs and viruses in the indoctrination program codes (memons) acquired and running throughout one's mortal consciousness in this earthuman life. (See: Suddenlightenment, Psylence, Poetic Vision, Consciousness, Slavespeak & Realigion)

homeless - the informationally disenfranchised and in many cases also the psychologically disengaged. The streets may belong to the people, but they make less than ideal places to live. In the cold the homeless look for the “grate” outdoors.

sleepwalkers - those who live by conventional mind, conventional thoughts, and conventional mythologies. "If you are sleepwalking only one who is awake and moving through the same street can lead you home. A person who is dreaming about a sleepwalking person can help neither himself nor the person being dreamed about." -Vernon Turner. (See: Somnambulists, Sheople, Obedience, Authority, Indoctrination, Conditioning, Hohm, Master, Mastar, Guru & Predictive Programming)

Voting Hoax - "Help Slave America." "We would do well to remember that voting is often a way not of consenting to something, but only of expressing a preference. If the state gives a group of condemned prisoners the choice of being executed by firing squad or by lethal injection, and all of them vote for firing squad, we cannot conclude from this that the prisoners thereby consent to being executed by firing squad. They do, of course, choose this option; they approve of it, but only in the sense that they prefer it to the other option. They consent to neither option, despising both. Voting for a candidate in a democratic election sometimes has a depressingly similar structure. The state offers you a choice among candidates (or perhaps it is "the people" who make the offer), and you choose one, hoping to make the best of a bad situation. You thereby express a preference, approve of that candidate (over the others), but consent to the authority of no one." -A. John Simmons. (See: Taxtortion, Freedom Technology, Ph.F. Degree, NOW, The Matrix, MEDIA, Elections & University of Chocolate City)

DC 2021. All photos courtesy of undeceiver Vincent Brown