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Instead of Issuing a Ticket a White NY Trooper Peppered Sprayed into a Black Family's SUV. After They Fled He Forced Them to Crash Causing the Murder of an 11 Yr Old Girl who was Ejected from the Car

From [HERE] and [HERE] A white trooper on I-87 upstate pulled a Black man and his family over, maced them, and then rammed their car twice at high speed before the crash that took his daughter’s life, Goods and his lawyer say.

It began while Tristin Goods, 39, who lives in both Queens and Long Island, drove his wife, April, and his daughters, Monica, 11, and Tristina, 12 to visit relatives. The trooper, Christopher Baldner, stopped Goods for speeding at 11:40 p.m., in the town of Ulster, about 95 miles north of the city.

Goods says the trooper yelled at him during the stop.

“He was screaming at me, ‘You were going 100 miles per hour and you shook my car!’ Goods recalled.

“I said ‘The tractor trailer in front of me shook your car.’ I had my hands on the steering wheel. I didn’t get out of the car. I was no threat him,” Goods said. “I asked for a supervisor.”

The two argued — with the trooper demanding to know if there were “guns or drugs” in the car, Goods recounted.

“My wife said she was tired, and he said, ‘I don’t give a s–t if you’re tired,’” Good recalled.

The trooper returned to his cruiser — and when he returned, he flooded Goods’ SUV with pepper spray. Goods said the trooper was well aware there were young girls in the car when he sprayed.

“He didn’t warn us he was going to use pepper spray,” Goods said. “He didn’t say ‘Get out of the car’ or ‘You’re under arrest.’”

Goods said his daughters were crying, and he feared for his family’s safety. Instinctively, he said, he drove off.

“I didn’t know what he was going to do next,” Goods said. “I was like, ‘Holy s–t. This guy is going to kill me now.’”

What happened next was a senseless loss, as the trooper, identified as Christopher Baldner, rammed his cruiser into the back of Good’s SUV not once but twice.

Baldner, records show, gave chase — and used his state police car to ram the back of Good’s SUV. About eight seconds later, Goods said, Baldner rammed his car a second time.

After the second hit, Goods’ SUV — a 2017 Dodge Journey — hit a guardrail, flipped and rolled.

Monica was ejected from the car, and died at the scene.

Making matters worse, Goods couldn’t even go search for and potentially help Monica immediately afterwards because he was too busy having a *gun* pointed at him by Baldner, who was still gung-ho on finding imaginary guns and drugs in the car.

Handcuffed in the back seat of a New York State Trooper’s car, Tristin Goods could only seethe quietly and watch helplessly as his 11-year-old Brooklyn daughter was taken away in a body bag after the police confrontation he says led to her needless death.

Later, he said, troopers interviewed his surviving daughter Tristina for four hours without a family member present.

The girls’ mother, Michelle Surrency previously told The News she had to free Tristina from the troopers’ barracks.

“We are confident that our clients’ accounts of what happened are consistent with the scientific evidence and the forensic evidence from the scene,” said Goods’ lawyer, Joseph O’Connor.

”What did I do? What threat did I pose?” Goods said, his voice cracking with emotion as he gave his first interview about the case to the Daily News.

“It is just so hurtful. The guy was crazy,” he said of the trooper. “It’s illegal what he did.”

Attorney General Tish James’ office is conducting a criminal investigation into the deadly encounter Dec. 22 between Goods, his family and Trooper Christopher Baldner on the highway in Ulster County.

“This should have been a traffic ticket,” said O’Connor.

The News obtained the State Police pursuit policy through a Freedom of Information request, though it was partially redacted by the agency. The policy says high speed pursuits should be “minimized” and bars using “reckless or hazardous measures” even if the civilian driver is doing the same.

“The pursuit must be terminated when it becomes apparent to the officer that the immediacy of apprehension is outweighed by a clear and unreasonable danger to the public,” the policy reads.

William Duffy, a spokesman for the state police, said Baldner remains assigned to desk duty. He declined further comment citing the investigation and an internal probe.