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'We Just Want Police to Use Their Uncontrollable Power to Forcibly Control Us in the Right Way.' Video Shows a White Columbus Cop Fighting a Black Man b/c a White Clerk Wanted Him Removed from Store

A BROWN WATCH [RACISTS ARE WATCHING YOU] An Instagram video shows a physical confrontation between a 30-year-old Black man, a white Columbus police officer and a white store clerk inside a gas station convenience store. Apparently, the clerk wanted the Black man to leave the store for some reason. So the racist suspect used the government to initiate violence against the Black man. Then during the fight the clerk, acting as an auxiliary member of the police force, jumped in to help the officer.

During Nazi Germany, German citizens functioned as an auxiliary police force; monitoring, arresting and watching Jews to assist Nazi police & soldiers with genocide. This "watch" of the Jews enabled Nazi control because Jews outnumbered the German police/soldier forces combined. Similar to Nazi Germany, with regard to non-whites, especially Black males, racists function as an auxiliary police force. They are watching YOU. If Anything you do makes them feel uncomfortable they will call the cops on you. As explained by Amos Wilson, ‘in the context of White American domination there is no innocent Black male, just Black male criminals who have not yet been detected, apprehended or convicted. Their mere presence inspires in racists, fears of being assaulted, raped, robbed, or some other indefinable dread of being criminally victimized.’ [MORE] Also similar to Nazi Germany was the fact that Jews had been deceived to believe that they were fully integrated, German citizens and equal participants in a so-called democracy. [MORE]

The man who said he filmed the video, Cortez Thomas, told the Columbus Dispatch that before he started recording, the store clerk was aggressive toward the customer, who entered the store "bubbly" and "excited."

Things got heated between the two and the officer approached the man, who repeatedly asked what he was doing wrong. And then, "before you knew it, everyone was tusslin'," Thomas said.

The 31-year-old who lives on the East Side said he thought that if the Columbus police officer had been allowed to do his job without interference from the clerk, he could have deescalated the situation.

"What I’m pushing for is to let our cops be our cops," Thomas said, explaining why he posted the video. "Let the ones who are there to protect and serve, protect and serve. Because if we don’t, stuff like this will continue to happen. Cops are scared and civilians are scared and that’s not any way to be safe." [MORE]

Based on the Thomas’ last statement he is a believer in “authority” and unknowingly a participant in his own subjugation. FUNKTIONARY explains that unprovoked violence against others or the use of “force” is the basis of all social evils and can only be used in the sense of attack not defense. It states “Unfortunately, governments only function by force. Once established, they put laws into effect by threatening persecution, imprisonment, fine, or death against all who don't comply with those laws--including the use of the force continuum.” [MORE] Murray Rothbard explains government is that ‘organization which maintains a monopoly on the use of force and violence; it is the only organization that obtains its revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by coercion.’

If a “public servant," such as a police officer, is uncontrollable, unaccountable, can’t be hired or fired by you, has irresponsible power over you and provides a compulsory “service” then he is actually your Master. Lysander Spooner, stated “It is of no importance that I appointed him, and put all power in his hands. If I made him uncontrollable by me, and irresponsible to me, he is no longer my servant, agent, attorney, or representative. If I gave him absolute, irresponsible power over my property, I gave him the property. If I gave him absolute, irresponsible power over myself, I made him my master, and gave myself to him as a slave. And it is of no importance whether I called him master or servant, agent or owner. The only question is, what power did I put into his hands? [MORE]