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Israeli Police Launch Manhunt After Prisoners Escaped Gilboa Prison Through a Tunnel and Fled into the Greater IsrAlien Free Range Prison [fascism disguised as democracy]

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A gang is an embryonic democracy in the making. Keep in mind that Hitler was elected in a full, free and fair democratic election. Democracy is a sweet-sounding word that offers freedom but delivers illusions. It has no other choice—it isn't what it appears and never could be what it advertises. There has never been a democracy where the public was consulted for input or consent before statutes and policies detrimental to their interests were already completed and or implemented by the shadow, invisible or parallel government (the Pathocracy). The ruse of democracy and fake elections stalls rebellion.   It's a placebo fed to the public so the ruling dominant elite can execute their plans for a global society—a New World Order.  

"Already American democracy and freedom are in their to throes, hemorrhaging from years of corporatist mutilation. Elections have become a sham, a farce. Freedoms are disappearing becoming extinct. The enemy within wishes for nothing more than an authoritarian, fascist nation, the easier to make decisions the easier to implement their vision, the easier to control the population. The enemy within detests democracy, and this we must understand. Democracy and freedom are enemies.

Ask yourself who has been the organization destroying our democracy and freedoms, our civil rights and liberties?  Who has enacted Patriot Acts I and II, who has destroyed due process, right to an attorney, habeas corpus? Who has tried to silence truth, dissent, protest and free speech? Who has made torture legal, faise imprisonment necessary, confessions by torture legal and evidence concocted through hearsay or torture legal? Who has made it legal to spy on American citizens, opening our email accounts, overhearing our phone conversations, and looking into our lives It has not been the dreaded Arab evildoers. It has been the Bush administration. It has been your own government." —Manuel Valenzuela. [MORE]