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Study of 145 countries finds sharp rise in virus transmission and death AFTER introduction of COVID Inections

From [HERE] Despite growing awareness of the risks of COVID-19 vaccines, many people are willing to take their chances in hopes of slashing their odds of getting severely ill or dying from COVID-19. However, those who are calculating the risk versus reward might want to keep a recent study in mind that indicates an association between the vaccines and a higher rate of COVID-19 infections and deaths.

The study, Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A Big Data Analysis of 145 Countries, essentially found that vaccines are doing precisely the opposite of what everyone hoped they would accomplish.

As the title indicates, this was not a small study; it involved analyzing data from 145 counties, and the conclusions are mind-blowing: The vaccines were associated with a 38 percent rise in the number of Covid cases per million in the U.S. and a 31 percent rise in the number of deaths per million associated with Covid. And it’s not the only one to reach this conclusion; many other studies have shown that the overall situation seems to get worse, not better, with more vaccination.

Overall, the study found that 89.94 percent of the 145 countries studied experienced a rise in total deaths per million associated with Covid as a direct result of the causal impact of vaccines, while 86.78 percent of countries noted a rise in total cases per million of the virus as a direct result of the causal impact of vaccines.

The study reports: “Results indicate that the treatment (vaccine administration) has a strong and statistically significant propensity to causally increase the values in either y1 [variable chosen for deaths per million] or y2 [variable chosen for cases per million] over and above what would have been expected with no treatment.” [MORE]