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Gun Ownership Among Law Abiding Black People On the Rise, according to researchers [defying liberal clogic that possessing a gun somehow makes you less safe]

From [HERE] Gun ownership trends in Ohio and across the country are shifting, especially in the Black community and among women, authorities say.

Annette Sumlin is one of the faces of that trend.

“I know a lot of single African American women of all ages, and they’re scared to leave their homes at night, and sometimes in the day because they are afraid something may happen to them,” said Sumlin, 36, of Cleveland. “I also believe that my gun gives me my sense of security and it ensures that I can protect my home no matter what happens.”

The country began to see a spike in firearm purchases in 2019, when a little more than 13 million background checks were recorded. The numbers increased to 21 million in 2020 amid the pandemic, then decreased to 18.5 million in 2021, according to an analysis conducted by the National Sports Shooting Foundation. This year is set to fall in place as the third highest year for background checks.

In 2021, there were more than 5.4 million first-time gun buyers, a decrease from the 8.4 million in 2020. Half of guns the guns purchased were handguns.

Over 33% of gun buyers in 2021 were women. [MORE]