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Unelected Black Rolebot DA Walks Out of Debate in Liberal San Francisco After Being Heckled by Black Protesters, Students

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This is the moment protesters heckled the District Attorney of San Francisco off a university stage after she postponed a trial set to prosecute a police officer.

DA Broke Jenkins, a black rolebot who is running for office by promising to restore order after ousting her predecessor, left after around 10 minutes of heckling.

Among other things, the students were demonstrating against Jenkins' postponement of a trial against Christopher Samayoa, a San Francisco police officer who shot and killed alleged carjacker Keita O’Neil in 2017.

The DA is set to face SF voters four days after she was appointed to replace the recalled Chesa Boudin.

A poll conducted by Bay Area-based EMC Research found Jenkins leading the race with 49% of survey respondents, 20 points ahead of her nearest rival - as she is the candidate supported by the wealthy liberal, white establishment. [MORE]