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Circuit Ct Split Over Who the Real Victim is in ATM Stickup Robberies: You or the Bank? [Since Banks Create Money Out of Thin-Air when Loans are Made, What Does It Actually Lose During a Stickup?]

From [HERE] If someone is held at gunpoint and forced to withdraw money from an ATM, is the bank being robbed (a federal crime) or just the person (not a federal crime)? Seventh Circuit(link is external) (2005): The bank - because the money belongs to the bank. Fifth Circuit(link is external) (2005): The person - because the money belongs to the account holder. Tenth Circuit(link is external) (last week): Bank - because the money belongs to the bank.

How do banks create money, and why can other firms not do the same? An explanation for the coexistence of lending and deposit-taking

According to FUNKTIONARY:

money” – the imaginary “monetized” debt as an asset without parity, being accepted as a medium of exchange by the public— (inflation per se). 2) whatever is accepted in lieu of a perceived full parity product or service during an exchange. 3) the difference between full parity and actual parity received during an exchange. 4) psychologically created entity credit — imaginary — demand — inflation — seignorage. 5) the unspoken token of submission. 6) pulses recalled, transmitted and stored in electronic ledgers. 7) a concept which only exists as a reference to the mathematical relativity of value in the mind, left over or reminiscent from a time when the word “money” referred to wealth (a commodity) used as a means of exchange. As a value reference, only exists as an acknowledged negotiated abstract accounting unit (figure) in hue-man minds, it is created there, and it is destroyed or redeemed there. 8) the abstract promise of a non-producer to perpetrate a fraud by “creating” and representing a claim on resources that do not exist and/or claims on resources that they have no lawful claim to, on, or against. 9) illusive conjecture—illegitimate and fraudulent numeric claim-tickets to wealth that are neither earned nor borrowed. 10) an ego-supplement—trickery and selfdeception made transferable (spendable). “Money bemuses. Recurrently over the centuries, men, mostly men, have supposed that they have mastered the secret of its infinite amplification. Invariably, this involves the rediscovery, perhaps in slightly novel form, of some infinitely ancient fraud.” ~G.K. Galbraith, “Money.” Money is an elastic accounting media and system by and through which free men translate their needs into the production and exchange of the goods and services they require and wishes they desire. In a BM (Bad Money) debt-based system of exchange, millions have to be left out of work and wages while in need of the very goods and services they could otherwise buy, make and freely exchange. A “BM” (debt-based) system creates an otherwise avoidable arithmetically and economically insoluble problem—usury, i.e., creating imaginary demand and ascribing it with a tangibility, measurability and false existing value conjured and sanctioned solely through the fictitious corporate twin-impostors, “government” and private central banks. Any debt-based “monetary” system will ultimately collapse. It is as mathematically irreconcilable as a “chain-letter.” Apart from its communal context solely among traders, money becomes meaningless; it sustains the illusion of portable symbolic value only as long as the social or communal bond holds. Although both “money” and “time” are conceptual abstractions (non-existents), we think more about the use of “money,” (its function, not its anatomy) which is replenishable, than we do about the use of time, which is irreplaceable. When money is literally no object to someone, it blinds him or her from seeing everyone as nothing more than mere objects. Most economists and all official monetary policies follow discredited Flat-Earth theories about money. Academic scholars, financiers and official monetary authorities are monetary Flat- Heads screwing everyone with a Phillips while using a Laffer Curve for fun and kicks. Just because it’s all in your mind doesn’t mean it’s not real. “Money” is as real as any other abstraction. Jump in, the water is fine, we’re not only losing money, but we’re also losing our minds. Let me put it to you straight—Money and State must separate! (See: Gangbanking, IN HOC SINK, Usury, Political Money, Interest, Maya Banking, Phillips Curve, Laffer Curve, Quantity Theory of Money, Public Debt, Cainsian Economics, Economies, Assumptions, S&M Banking, Gangbanking, Hidden Tax, Real Federal Taxes, Second Tax, Property, Wealth, Reverse Loan, The CODE, Meta-Money, Currency Switch, Cultural Induction, Beggar-Rich & Hegelian Banking