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Killers Hell Bent on Committing Mass Murder Probably Wouldn’t Do So if All Law Abiding Citizens Were Background Checked. Or So Goes the Hebrew Slave Logic Parroted by Propaghandi After "Terror Event"

A Latino teen shot up an elementary school filled with Latino children and adults for no reason after he shot his grandmother. Oh, he crashed his grandmother’s car on his way to the school, thereby losing his means of getaway, but he was crazy so he probably wanted to get caught because that’s what crazy killers in mass shootings do in episodes in The Spectacle. Sounds like a story made up by government orderlies based on their low opinion of people. There is no surveillance video, cell phone video or other independently objective evidence, the scene is closed to dependent media and the alleged killer logged onto Facebook after shooting his Grandmother to confess to the crime and announce his crime plan to conduct a mass shooting at a school; another microwave instant terror episode open/closed in a matter of hours, just like other false flags (and TV shows in The Spectacle). There won’t be an adversarial trial where the government will have to prove any of these allegations, establish hearsay and authenticate conveniently discovered social media confessions because the killer was killed by cops prior to his quick capture. As with other microwaved terror episodes we are left with unsubstantiated statements and unverifiable stories told by the police that are parroted by the Dependent Media. Such facts are sprinkled in among hours of emotional begging about disarming citizens. Listen closely, authorities and their media whores tell us that all law abiding people should be background checked before purchasing a gun. And doing so is relevant to this episode because…. . . it probably would have stopped an allegedly deranged Latino Teen hell bent on committing multiple murders from doing so but for a background check law? It should go without saying but criminals break laws to get guns and commit crimes b/c they are criminals. Laws only prohibit law abiding citizens from doing things. Government is rule through coercion [authority] using one conspiracy/emergency after another to control humanity.

Corpse Biden said he was “sick and tired of what’s going on and continues to go on.” He said he has long worked for “common sense gun reforms,” adding that certain moves would have a significant impact without affecting Second Amendment rights. “The idea that an 18-year-old can walk into a store and buy weapons of war designed and marketed to kill is, I think, just wrong,” he said.

Old dumb motherfucker, of course guns are designed to kill. Specifically, the 2nd Amendment is for when all other rights have failed. More than an insurance policy, it also serves as a deterrent. For when would-be tyrants know that the citizenry is well-armed, they think twice about imposing tyranny. [MORE].

Due to the unverifiable nature of the evidence and omission of evidence this insta-terror case feels synthetic and should be suspected as a false flag operation conducted by the government until proven otherwise. If Crimethinc would create fake COVID injections for the purpose of genthanasia and biocide then surely It would have no problem fake shooting at children in a school.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Hebrew slavery – abdicating one’s mind to another thereby allowing the full manipulation of it. “Don’t’ let anyone or any cult-body violate your innocence exploit your ignorance or usher you into cognitive dissonance.

Human Resources – answer questions when asked; sign their names when told; open doors when knocked upon; entrust themselves to the protection of others as a ward; trust in anything other than their inner authority; believe what they are told; know the definitions of words and meaning of terms without bothering to reference the source of the definitions; evade instead of confront apparent external authority or putative jurisdiction, alleged liability or presentment; covet the property of merchants; volunteer to servitude; desire a kinder master instead of liberty; and, yearn for the illusion of security at the expense of inalienable rights and freedom. Are you a human resource of the Corporate U.S. “government”? Are you a fictional citizen of the United States—as granted by Congress? Do you have a Birth Certificate with a date of birth? Have you registered to vote? Have you applied for the “benefits” of Social Security? (See: Statutory Oppression, Involuntary Servitude, Citizen of the United States, Legislation, Date of Birth, Statutes, Freedom, Liberty, Inalienable Rights, Empty Words, Blanks, Employee, Tin Woodsman, Scarecrow, OWLs, Hireling, Voting, SSN, Socialism & IRS)

gun control – using both hands. 2) actually hitting your target. 3) holding an instrument of persuasion with a good grip. You don’t shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive. Those who use guns to “break” (violate) the law will have no problem breaking the law to get guns (to commit violent crimes against you). The issue is not the laws, it’s the lawlessness. The drop in the overt crime rate in any geographic area or so-called “jurisdiction” is proportional to the number of permits of concealed handgun licensing issued in any particular “jurisdiction” across the country. This fact is reported in a study within the book More Guns, Less Crime by Dr. John R. Lott. Those who bend their guns into plowshares will plow for those who don’t. I don’t mean to alarm you, but the statists and fascists are trying to unarm you while the less respectable criminals are waiting to harm you. While going to shop at Target unarmed at the strip mall you become an even easier target to get stripped of your property, if not your life, by the armed criminals. Don’t let a walk back to the parking lot be your final lot in life. In a 1989 Supreme Court decision, the court held: “…the Constitution does not impose a duty on the state state and local governments to protect the citizens from criminal harm.” ~DeShaney v. Winnebago County, 1989. Look, I’m here for moral support—ignore the gun. “There are approximately two million defensive gun uses per year by law abilding citizens.” ~National Institute of Justice, 1997. According to a National Crime Victimization Survey reported in 2000 conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics: “550 rapes, 1,100 murders are prevented everyday just by the wouldbe victim flashing / brandishing their firearm on the perpetrator. Check the statistics, not the background. Register fascists, not guns! Hey, “Keep the piece…(or someone else might).” We live in a quiet neighborhood; we use silencers. People are much better off protected by an empty gun that the feds think is loaded than they are by a loaded gun that the “government” doesn’t know you have. All the arms laws in America began in the South, called Black Codes. In US v. Dewitt (1869) 9 Sup Ct. 41, it was determined that US jurisdiction was non-existent intra-state. To be on the safe side, it is highly suggested to purchase guns that have not crossed state lines. The only reason why there is such a thing called a “drive-by” is that there is no return fire. Gun control creates victims and advertises where other “will-be” victims (marks) can be found. Keeping the peace requires keeping the piece handy and loaded. Trade fire? A good trade may be constituted of any trade that your opponent, assailant or enemy, given his druthers, would not have made. Let us pray: “Avoid those that do not read; and never ever let them lead. Avoid hateful hearts because they won’t be there when the shooting starts. If freedom gets us shot to hell, I pray that we may do it well. Do it well, make them pay, so Americans won’t live slave this way.” The operative question is, how much do you dislike your slavery? Change the lifestyle or accept the taxation, legislation and regulation that you dislike. State-terrorist sponsored false flag operations of mass-killings, especially of children will escalate (as planned) until like fish we are totally hooked in an ocean of gun-grabbing legislation while they wash the sand out of hair with lather-like lies and mind-control techniques. Where are the Black Deacons for Justice in these times? I’d rather claim the Second now than to plead the Fifth later—be judged by 12 instead of carried by six. Remember, you are your first responder! The police and ambulance show up after the crime is over. I’ll just hold my piece and let it speak for me at the same time. Gun control: When you come for mine, better bring yours! (See: Freedom, False Flag, Racism White Supremacy, Slavery, Fascism, MK-Ultra, Tavistock Institute, Black Flask Brigade, Statist, Eugenics, Firearms, Second Amendment, Waco No-Knock, Violence, Militia, BOP, Crime Rate, Gun Ban, Police, Duty, Allegiance, Citizens, States, Jurisdiction, Fishbowl, Narco-Economy, Shower Gun, Black Codes, Probable Cause & Gun Safety)

gun ban – the precursor to servitude. Enslavement is like old age; it creeps up on you. Banning guns to reduce crime is like banning sex to reduce rape. If guns supposedly cause (or encourage) crime, why are we arming police officers? The same people who fear firearms in the hands of the people also fear information in the minds of people. Information bans (censorship) only affect people who desire to think for themselves.

“Government” – Latinized Greek (“Gubernatio” = control; and from the Latin “mente” = mind; “The control of the mind.” 2) an abstraction (hoax) created for the sole purpose of making theft respectable and mind-control acceptable. 3) the societal manifestation of mass individual psychological reversal, i.e., the statutes, regulations, agencies, and agents (so-called bureaucrats) needed to threaten and shrink one’s comfort zone. 4) a granfalloon. 5) a fiction supported by those who kill on command and steal on demand under the guise of “protecting” their victims. Government is lawlessness (monopolized violence) mindlessly respected and accepted as law (open threats); politics is the way to enable and circumvent the law. The outworking of history consistently demonstrates that government will, in spite of the Bill of Rights, arrogate all power to itself eventually, if the people don’t act to prevent it. You have rights alright, just don’t get caught exercising them, O.K.? “Government” is simply, unequivocally, and always initiation of force or coercion and nothing else. Official “government” is disorganized, politicized; centralized; canonized and revered initiation of force, but it is no less initiation of force and coercion than any unofficial singular action of the same offensive or violent content. “Government” is an abstract infinite entity acting as a possessive noun. There is not a single line in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or any governmental document that states that a natural person will be left alone as long as she or he does not impose upon another or others. By commission and omission, all official decrees make clear that a human is regarded as owned property or resource of the god called “Corporate State.” It is controlling the lives, energy and property of others that requires coercive force and this is its sole function. Endorsing the lie of an imagined abstract collective interest supports the very concept that gives rise to all covert and overt oppression. “The government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of the way. It does not keep the country free. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way.” ~Kirkpatrick Sale. The wayward notion that government redistributes wealth is widely held as sacrosanct as it is patently false. There are redistributes aspects, sure, but that’s as close as it gets. “As long as government is allowed to exist, it will everywhere keep growing and getting worse. Nearly everything that “governments” do (i.e., those with wholly symbolic roles “running” it, and who perform acts in its name) is grounded in fear. Government will cease to exist when people cease to grant it legitimacy—in other words stop believing in it, stop looking to it for solutions to problems in their lives, and stop supporting it.” ~Fred Woolworth. Government has failed at every attempt in 6,000 years of recorded history. Government atrocities—carried out by irrational functionaries, economic hit men, soldiers, diplomats, emissaries, etc., under every possible flavor or form of government—have littered the bloody pages of recorded history. Government is indisputably the greatest purveyor of murder, mayhem, genocide, exploitation, rape, forced starvation, pillage and chaos in the annals of humanity. Government does not need to be abolished; merely rendered obsolete through seeing it for what it truly is—a prime manufacturer of poverty, brutal oppression, violence, coercion, conformity and fear. The monetary genius E.C. Riegel once wrote that petitioning to government is like writing to Santa Claus. Government has created its own necessity by making people (its fictitious subject-citizens) fearful of the violence it creates by the effects of its very existence—in the form of violent criminals and external aggressors. “Government is men and women providing services on a compulsory basis; pay or get shot. To be legitimate they would have to drop their guns and provide their services on a voluntary basis. However, the moment they do so, they cease to be a government. That’s quite the conundrum.” ~Marc Stevens. Government is at the root of the cycle of violence—you run to it for protection and run from it out of fear for your life. The Slaughterhouse is to cattle as “government” is to people. “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” –U.S. “President” Ronald ‘McDonald’ Reagan. “The only idea they have ever manifested as to what is a government of consent, is this—that it is one to which everybody must consent, or be shot.” ~ No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, Lysander Spooner. Men and women calling themselves “government” violently impose themselves on victims labeled “citizens,” and “ordain” scriptures called “laws” that define the way “government” sanctions business as a crime by providing services over the barrel of a gun. What exactly is “government?” Have you ever seen a “government?” While there are varying degrees, “government” very simply is “one man violently controlling the life and property of another man.” In some places this violent control is “decreed” to be for the latter’s “own good” and “protection” and hailed as the “best system in the world.” Because it’s based on violence, there are no “states” or “nations,” “states” being “voluntary associations.” You may recognize that violent control over a man’s life and property is what we like to call—slavery. Slavery is a form of “government,” and in most cases, if not all, synonymous with “government.” Govern means control, not protect. Have you ever noticed the word “protect” is mysteriously not included in any definitions of govern? “govern.” To direct and control; to regulate; to influence; to restrain; to manage. State v. Ream, 16 Neb 681, 683.” ~Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, page 530. [MORE]