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NY Governor Does a Niggarmarole as New Token McNegro Rep. Antonio Delgado Replaces Broken Token Rolebot as Lt Governor. How It Tangibly Helps Black People is Another White Supremacy Mystery

From [HERE] Rep. Antonio Delgado has been sworn in as New York's next Lieutenant Governor. This move will trigger a special election for his congressional seat in an already politically chaotic election year.

Delgado, 45, grew up in the Electric City. He attended Notre-Dame Bishop Gibbons High School where he was dubbed a basketball star. He went on to earn degrees from Colgate, Oxford, and Harvard law schools.

The Democrat was tapped by Gov. Kath Hochul in May following the abrupt resignation of her former Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin. Benjamin was arrested in April on bribery charges related to a past campaign.

How his selection will tangibly help Black people is a mighty mystery. But dems love it, get out the vote!

According to FUNKTIONARY:

 The Niggarmarole – bullshit laced with hype sprinkled with jive-ass incompetence resulting in a tragicomedy of errors—self-repeating and never receding—played out and played over and over until you’ve realized that it’s over—but something you’ll never truly get over. The Niggamarole is an experience that you allow others to put you through when you think you’ve been left with nothing else to do. The only performance happening in a niggamarole is purely theatrical—all for show—none for closing deals and making dough. (See: Bullshit, Piece-Activist, Reaves Technique & Soonshine)

 mandroid – a programmed, indoctrinated, academented, miseducated, trained, stupefied and stymied conformist.

SNAGs – $nitch-ass Negroes Aiding Governments. 2) COINTEL-BROs. 3) Smile Negro And Grin—while I put it in. SNAGs are coin-operated piece-activist sniggering infiltraitors from the native Black American community. SNAGs are on the stroll, exacting Black life as the toll, while klandestinely on the rogue “government” payroll. Dumb-ditty dumb where the hell do these sorry-ass sellout Negroes come from? When you see them, go and give them some—or at least a piece of your mind. It’s easy to heckle and hyde, but why do we seem to always let self-hating sucker-perpetrating Negroes electric slide? SNAGs are Negroes who run from the fabric, the very essence of their Afrikan heritage struggle, culture and consciousness, and run to support the psychopathological dominant minority elite European global racist-supremacist mindset and Agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics). The more you pull at a snag, the more problems it causes—hence, you have to cut it off from the garment so it will cease causing constraint and strain on the integrity of the fabric of Afrikan consciousness and liberation. Don’t just run them off, cut them off. SNAGs get dealt with! SNAG’s are responsible for facilitating agents of various “government intelligence” operations in successfully accomplishing the “wet jobs” (assassinations) and downfall of some of our most cherished leaders, luminary thinkers, uncompromising revolutionaries and lovers of justice for all humanity. SNAGs come in all shapes, colors, sizes and forms within the Black American community but they all share one common thread—self-hatred. Some of the less known but high-exposure SNAGs were Alex Haley (who covertly worked his roots on Malcolm X), Enest Withers (civil rights photographer and FBI informant), and Justice Thurgood Marshall (also snitching and informing on the Right-Reverend Martin L. King, Jr.), not to mention another “Reverend” from Memphis, TN who was heavily involved (along with Jesse Jackson) in the orchestration of King’s assassination. SNAGs have also been known to be complicit in both successful and botched assassination schemes plotted and executed by the shadowy characters within and behind the veil of the Corporate State and its wet-works black operations spy agencies. Where is the Black Flask Brigade when you need them? (See: COINTELPRO, FBI, CIA, Manhood, $nigger, Sigma Pi Phi, Coin-Operated, Racism White Supremacy, HO-Method, Infiltraitors, Wet Jobs & Piece-Activist)