Francis Boyle: Elites on Both Sides Have More in Common w/Each Other than they Do w/Their Own People. Governments Mandated COVID Shots to Kill, Control and Profit Off Citizens [free range slaves]
territorial gangsters – individuals (masquerading as “the State” so-called) who skillfully use fraud, coercion, and terror to claim “jurisdiction” (so-called) over their victims who happen to be in some geographic territory. Territorial gangsters brainwash their victims (the pixelated populace) so that they will work for them not only like slaves but actually as slaves. (See: Stationary Bandits, Statutory Oppression, Jurisdiction, Allegiance, Involuntary Servitude, Slave & Tyrant-Paradigm)
"Authority-" is not a force but a farce! "Every great advancement in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority." —Aldous Huxley. Government is the hefty price we pay for our lack of being further evolved as humans. "The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority." —Stanley Milgram Regarding obedience to authority and carrying out "orders" Milgram states, "Thus there is a fragmentation of the totai human act; no one man decides to carry out the evil act and is confronted with consequences. The person who assumes full responsibility for the act has evaporated. Perhaps this is the most common characteristic of socially organized evil in modern society." At its root, government is based on violence and coercion. Without violent authority, studies show that violent behavior will all but disappear in its wake. Authority breeds the violence that it combats and perpetuates. Violence perpetrated by individuals is learned through noxious social experiences typically suffered under some assumed "authority." "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own government." —Dr. Martin L. King. Jr.. 1967. Read "Obedience to Authority" by Stanley Milgram, and "Constitution of No Authority" by Lysander Spooner. (See: Violence, Government. Yurugu, BOG. "The Law," Hierarchy. Obedience, Duty, Defiance, Disobedience, Compliance Priests, Preachers, Citizens, States, Involuntary Taxation, Tax Invasion, Behavior, Orders, Allegiance. Internal Revenue Service, Corporate State, Anarchy. Taxtortion, Power, Experts, Doggy & Neuropeans)