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A Special, White, Liberal Prosecutor says No Charges for the White Cop who Murdered Rayshard Brooks. Black Man Shot in the Back Posed No Threat as He Fled in Wendys Parking Lot in Liberal Atlanta

GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER IN RACIST SYSTEM. From [HERE] A specially appointed prosecutor announced Tuesday that he will not pursue charges against the two white Atlanta police officers who clashed with Rayshard Brooks during a 2020 encounter that ended with the 27-year-old Black man's fatal shooting.

Pete Skandalakis, a racist suspect executive director of the Prosecuting Attorneys' Council of Georgia, said he believes Officer Garrett Rolfe, who shot and killed Brooks in June 2020, acted appropriately. He also said the second officer involved in the encounter, Officer Devin Brosnan, will not be charged.

"Given the quickly changing circumstances, was it objectively reasonable that he used deadly force? And we conclude it was," Skandalakis said.

[Wow he sounds more like a defense attorney for authoritarians than a so-called public servant tasked with the assignment of holding government agents accountable for murder. If Rayshard shot a fleeing white cop in the back at a Wendy’s, would he get the same treatment? Of course not b/c cops are special representatives of authority and the law of the jungle applies to them in their interactions with mere mortals. Authority, which is the government’s ability and implied moral right to forcibly control citizens and that, consequently, citizens have a moral and legal obligation to obey, does not come from people nor is it derived from any natural source. So how did authorities acquire such fantastic powers and exemptions from morality?]

Skandalakis was appointed last year to take over the case after a judge allowed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to recuse herself and her office. Willis had cited concerns about the actions of her predecessor, who announced a murder charge against Rolfe less than a week after the shooting. Willis is a special Black rolebot working hard to prosecute Trump for election fraud on behalf of white liberals. How that helps Black people in Atlanta is another white supremacy mystery?

Police responded on June 12, 2020, to complaints of a Black man sleeping in a car in the drive-thru lane of a Wendy's restaurant. Police body camera video shows the two officers having a calm conversation with Brooks for nearly 40 minutes.

White police officers said he resisted arrest after failing a field sobriety test during the Friday night incident. After a struggle they shot him as he fled away from them.

Video shows Brooks on the ground outside his car, struggling with two police officers.

Brooks grabbed the Taser of one officer. After a few seconds, Brooks broke free from the officers and began to run from police. One officer then used a Taser on him. The pair then run out of the frame of the video. 

Seconds later gun shots are heard along with someone yelling "I got him!" The video then shows Brooks prone on the ground. The black man posed no threat as he fled away from the white cop; at the time of the shooting the white cop had to have been at least 30 feet away from him. He was smart to run - they were trying to kill him.

Skandalakis said he believes that context had an impact on how the events unfolded and acknowledged that encounters between police and the African American community are sometimes "very volatile," but he said he doesn't believe race played a role in this instance.

"This isn't one of those cases," he said. "This is a case in which the officers were willing to give Mr. Brooks every benefit of the doubt and, you know, unfortunately, by his actions, this is what happened."