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In Alabama on MLK Day Neuropeons and Their Authorities Celebrate Robert E. Lee's Birthday by Closing State Offices and Their Public Fool System

From [HERE] Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s birthday is on January 19, but it is celebrated by the State of Alabama today. Robert E. Lee Day has been an official state holiday in Alabama since sometime in the late 1800s. Lee was the most renowned general of the Confederacy in the Civil War.

Today is an official state holiday. State offices and most schools will be closed in observance of the holiday. Federal offices, post offices, and many businesses will also be closed, but that is because today is also Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Alabama and Mississippi merged its Lee celebration with MLK Day after President Ronald Reagan signed legislation, making it a national holiday. Some state legislators have advocated for dropping Robert E. Lee Day from the list of official holidays and making the holiday observance for Dr. King alone. That legislation has not advanced in past legislative sessions. [MORE]

According to FUNKTIONARY:

Neuropeons – neurotic, stupid and self-deluded poor white trash. 2) skin-heads. 3) Nazis, Neo-Nazis and Theo-Nazis. (See: KKK, WOTAN, Weiteko Disease, Fascism, Racism White Supremacy, Stupidity, Ku Klux Klan & Yurugu)

Neuropeans – (Neurotic Europeans)—neurotic, ignorant, narcissistic and self-deluded white supremacist Caucasians operating at the mythic and rational levels of consciousness only. 2) Fascists. (See: Weiteko Disease & White Supremacy)

confederacy – the objection to the abolition of racism, not the abolition of slavery (even their own). The Civil War was principally fought over the tariff and secondarily slavery (being only an objective of the war not its principle cause). The South could purchase their industrial goods far cheaper from England. The Northeast was an industrial economy badly needing the influx of southern capital. When the South seceded, the Eastern Establishment used the slavery issue as a trick to conscript poor white Yankees and shagged the South during the Civil War so that the end of the Civil War reduced all Southerners to the level of the kidnapped captive Africans in Amerikkka. The war over the existential, social, economic, mental and political position of formerly enslaved and kidnapped Africans and native Black Americans did not end with the Civil War (or the Emancipation Proclamation), it only was extensionalized and institutionalized in other forms, formats and formula that exist and persist to this very day. The South will rise again—this time it’s the down-in-the-mouth Dirty South. (See: Citizenship, FOAM, FRIGHT, Slavery, Gangbanking, Racism White Supremacy, Bigotry & KKK)