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California’s Racist Law Enforcement Training Videos

From [HERE] A look at training videos supplied to the LAPD by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) shows potentially troubling attitudes in policing being taught to police officers taught as part of training videos containing racist stereotypes. POST sets minimum selection and training standards for California law enforcement, and is funded by California taxpayer money as well as criminal and traffic fines.

POST began uploading videos to a YouTube channel more than 11 years ago with an acceptance speech for “Best In-House Developed Application” at the Best of California Awards. But at the time of publication, it had gained only 420 subscribers. The channel features short videos intended for police officers as well as workshops lasting several hours. Many of POST’s videos are released solely on their website as part of a training portal, and some are only available on DVD via purchase from POST.

Though Knock LA has been able to obtain many of the videos via records requests, several videos have been redacted in portions. POST claimed an exemption to records requests which claims that “the public interest served by not disclosing the [full videos] clearly outweighs the public interest served by disclosure of the [full videos].”

Many of the videos available on YouTube are advertisements for POST law enforcement training on basic policing concepts. One video promises to go over the basics of search warrants. Another one provides a refresher about Marsy’s Law. [MORE]