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[Yurugu vs Yurugu '24, Who Will be Master?] "Just Brutal:" George Stephanopoulos, Dumbocrats Stunned by Corpse Biden’s Horrible Polling Against Trump in 2024 Matchup

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From [HERE] A new poll from ABC showing Joe Biden’s approval numbers tanking across all metrics left “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos stunned.

“This is just brutal for President Biden,” Stephanopoulos admitted on Sunday in response to the poll.

ABC political director Rick Klein responded, “Absolutely George, and you talked earlier about that record low approval rating for President Biden, it’s actually six points down just since February.”

“And the skepticism over his leadership extends deep inside his own party only 36 percent of Democrats think that their party should nominate Joe Biden for a second term,” he continued. “58 percent say they would support someone else, prefer someone else. That’s despite the fact that the entire DNC, most of the Democratic establishment has rallied behind President Biden and you’re seeing real weaknesses in the coalition that powered Joe Biden to the presidency back in 2020.”