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Doing Nothing Except Tricking Sleeping Toms [Voters]: NYT says Several Liberal Prosecutors Made Campaign Promises to Revisit Police Killings of Black People but So far No Cops Have Been Charged

REALLY DOING NOTHING. Racist suspects at The NYT report, ‘As high-profile instances of police brutality shocked the public in recent years and raised questions about official law enforcement accounts, liberal prosecutors campaigned on the promise that they would review cases that they felt were hastily closed without charges. Their efforts to revisit old cases have won praise from the activists and liberal Democrats who voted for them.

But the re-examinations so far have rarely led to criminal charges. “To reopen a police use-of-force case is, in many ways, a herculean task,” said Steve Descano, the commonwealth’s attorney in Fairfax County, Va. He lost in court after he charged two federal Park Police officers for the 2017 shooting of a man who fled a car crash, a case that the Justice Department previously reviewed and declined to pursue.”

Racist suspects at the NYT further state;

“The incidents almost never have evidence as stark as the bystander video showing George Floyd being pinned to the ground in 2020 for more than nine minutes by Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer who was convicted of murdering Mr. Floyd.

The circumstances often are more ambiguous, the footage less telling. And once a district attorney writes a lengthy memo detailing why criminal charges are unjustified against a police officer, it can be difficult for a successor to overcome those arguments, absent new evidence.

The biggest hurdle for pursuing criminal charges is the wide latitude that officers have to use force. State legislatures, including California’s, have tried to narrow that ability. But officers generally can still use lethal force when they feel they or others could be killed, a level of immunity that law enforcement officials say is necessary to ensure the public’s safety.’

Said statements and even more slave-like rationalizations they set forth are truthful but miss reality and the point.

The point is, if there were a disproportionate number of white men, women and children being killed by police in broad daylight, we know that authorities would be prosecuting cops or trying to prosecute cops for murder. We also know that the media (a white owned and controlled institution), white jurors, white judges, white citizens and most fellow white cops are generally opposed to cops murdering white people and would not support such a thing as the cop’s right to murder white people. In other words, ‘police work in conjunction with white society and its government to keep white lawlessness understood as nothing other than ‘public order,’ enforcing the law.’ That’s what the NYT is doing here - their part. Anon explains, ‘when a white policeman shoots an unarmed black man (50 times), his fellow officers, the police chief, internal affairs, the union, the media, the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury will support, defend, and finance that white police officer’s “right” to shoot (murder) an unarmed black person. That is white collective power.’ [MORE]

The reality is, that all force used offensively by police or anyone else is immoral and unjust. There is no way to control the government’s implied power which is inherently unaccountable. All non-consensual force is too much force. We know this and recognize it in human to human relations. Even restricting immunity cannot remedy the problem of political authority; which again is the belief that some people have the moral and lawful right to rule over others and have the implied power to use force (unprovoked violence) offensively against citizens to enforce obedience to law and their commands.

Contrary to legal truths, there is no legitimate or rational way to account for the belief in the existence of authority. Acts that would be considered unjust or morally unacceptable when performed by citizens are just as unjust or morally unacceptable when performed by government agents. Putting your hands on another human being, not in self-defense, but offensively, without their consent and ‘manipulating their body in disregard of their volition is evil’, whether its done by citizens or representatives of “authority” wearing blue costumes. The rebel Larken Rose explains, “authority is permission to commit evil – to do things that would be recognized as immoral and unjustified if anyone else did them,” - subconsciously we know and understand the right to rule over other people is irrational and barbaric. [MORE] Rose continues, “Claiming noble goals, saying that the violence is “the will of the people,” or that it is being committed “for the common good” or “for the children,” cannot change evil into good. “Legalizing” wrong does not make it right. One man forcibly subjugating another, no matter how it is described or how it is carried out, is uncivilized and immoral. The destruction it causes, the injustice it creates, the damage it does to every soul that it touches – perpetrators, victims, and spectators alike-cannot be undone by calling it “law,” or by claiming that it was necessary. Evil, by any name, is still evil.” Making it plain, Dr. Blynd states, ‘freedom cannot exist in the presence of authority.’ Yet the entire basis of the legal system is anchored in force, violence. FUNKTIONARY explains, ‘government” very simply is “one man violently controlling the life and property of another man. Because it’s based on violence, there are actually no “states” or “nations because ” states/nations are “voluntary associations.” You may recognize that violent control over a man’s life and property is what we like to call—slavery. Slavery is a form of “government,” and in most cases, if not all, synonymous with “government.”


According to FUNKTIONARY:

political candidate – a politician who stands for what she or he feels the victims of democracy (citizens) will fall for (again). (See: Voting, Vote, Democracy, Citizen, Erection, Demockcracy & VoteScam)

political campaign – an emotional orgy designed by the media’s owners to distract the moron-majority from the real issues, i.e. the money hoax, the crime of credit-banking, the taxing of one’s labor (not profit)—the income tax scam, carrying a firearm sans permit from the Corporate State per the 2nd and 13th Amendments to the overturned Constitution, the bankruptcy of the Corporate State and its creditors the Federal Reserve and the IMF, the difference between autonomy (consciousness-based freedom) and sovereignty (absolute freedom, and absolute truth, i.e., immunity from reality and accountability). (See: Totalitarian Patriotism, Sovereignty, Cooperative Federalism & Sheeple)

political silence – the study of the art of control. 2) censored and muted voices of the dispossessed always strengthens those privileged by the status quo. Scientists who actually engage in scientific inquiries do not take votes. (See: Voting)

The Electorant – the willfully ignorant electorate—the suckers (voters and “taxpayers”) who delegate and abdicate their power to elected and appointed officials (employees) and the system through which voters’ will is subverted through statutes, laws and policies not approved or even known in the election process. The ‘electorant’ are always ranting and raving about their sordid and assorted conditions when they are responsible for them by being ignorant of the nature of delegated power and its effect, i.e., arbitrary power wielded with impunity and State-sanctioned immunity. The electorant have no recourse but to fuss and talk about change—utterly clueless. All power of the State resides in those who hold the purse strings. Control of the “money” is in the hands of those who further use it to corrupt others in order for one to retain power (dynastic banking cartel families) and the other to remain in power (politician). It is a symbiotic racket and one that continues unabated. (See: Voters, GEO-Dollars, “Monetized Debt,” Federal Reserve System, Willful Ignorance, Political Money, Gangbanking, Elections, MONEY, S&M Banking, Taxpayers, Second Tax, Dumbing-Down, Colonized Mind & Citizens of the United States)

politics – in theory, the administration of the axiological nets of a given people; in practice, an elephant and donkey show put on by the ruling class “overrulers” to allow the clueless masses a sense (although a false one) of security and order which leads them further to believe that society is somehow within their control. 2) as commonly practiced—a facade; a convenient charade to allow sheople to feel secure by telling them things that are familiar to them that address their aspirations which cannot be fulfilled through the agency he/she espouses. 3) the fight for executive power. 4) half-realized fears and desires amidst fully-realized collective disappointment and despair. 5) the domination of you externally. 6) the profession without the confession with professionals without confessionals. 7) the conduct of public affairs for private gain by privileged aristocrats or up and coming polecats. 8) war and injustice executed by civil means through propaganda and the secret voting booths. 9) the folk art of failure— one we cannot quite seem to master or forfeit. Politics is a game of exposing another’s shit while covering your own. Politics is like a pond; the scum rises to the top. It is a belief in a solution that cannot solve shit as only you can solve your own shit responsibly without dumping on others to accomplish same. Politics is using and abusing shit to gain, sustain, and retain power. It is also a psycho-semantic disease, the side effects of too-late monopoly capitalism. [MORE]