Do-Gooder Liberals in DC Seek to Change Law to Charge Teens as Adults, foregoing Rehabilitation for Prison Punishment- 'to Help The Blacks Out' [96% of Youth Detained are Black in Majority White City]
From [HERE] 7News is On Your Side reports ‘city leaders plan to address the recent rash of crimes juveniles are accused of committing.
Many viewers had questions about why Kaden Holland, 15 and known as "Baby K," could not be charged as an adult in D.C. despite being accused of murder there.
The U.S. Marshals Service Capital Area Regional Fugitive Task Force arrested Holland last week in Prince George's County, where he is charged as an adult after being accused of trying to fire his gun three times at a teenager on a school bus. The gun never fired, and he has been charged in Maryland with attempted first-degree murder, attempted second-degree murder, assault, and firearm offenses.
D.C. Councilmember Brooke Pinto [white liberal in photo] is the chair of the council's Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety. 7News On Your Side asked her if the council would consider changing the D.C. Code that does not allow suspects like Holland to be charged as an adult even if accused of serious crimes like murder.
"I think what's really important here when we have people perpetrating crimes who are juveniles, that there's accountability for our young people in the juvenile justice system. Being tried as a young person or as a juvenile does not mean and should not mean that there's no accountability. We have a juvenile justice system for kids who are less than 18 and an adult system, which is a different system. Regardless of your age, you need to be held accountable if you are committing a heinous act and violating another victim's right to peacefully enjoy their space or in more egregious incidents of violence," Pinto said.
According to the current D.C. Code, juveniles who are 16- and 17 years old can be charged as adults for "murder, first-degree sexual abuse, burglary in the first degree, robbery while armed, or assault with intent to commit any such offense, or (ii) an offense listed in clause (i) and any other offense properly joinable with such an offense" if they are 16- or 17-years old at the time they are accused of these crimes.
After Holland was arrested last week, 7News asked D.C. prosecutors why they could not charge Holland or other juveniles accused of similar crimes as adults, and they pointed to this part of the D.C. Code.
Juveniles convicted of crimes can be held in juvenile detention centers until they turn 21. Meanwhile, Holland can face up to life in prison if found guilty of attempted 1st degree murder in Maryland. [MORE]
WHEN YOU HAVE POWER YOU CAN CRIMINALIZE ANYONE YOU WANT TO. THAT IS A VIRTUE OF HAVING POWER. Black youth are targeted in DC’s racist juvenile justice system. The overwhelming majority of the youth in DC’s juvenile courts are African American, along with a growing population of Latino youth. In 2015, 100 percent of youth detained in youth prisons were African American. In 2016, that percentage dropped to 96 percent, with the remaining four percent made up of Latino youth. Said numbers remain stable. Black boys in DC are 83 times more likely to be arrested than either white boys or girls. 64% of committed youth in FY17 were committed for misdemeanors. [MORE]. Said numbers are similar to those in other states in the ‘criminal justice system.’ According to legal scholar and trial attorney Kristin Henning:
‘In 2015, at least 75,900 youth under the age of eighteen were prosecuted as adults in the United States. A staggeringly disproportionate number of those youth were Black. Although Black youth made up only 15 percent of all youth under juvenile court jurisdiction in the United States in 2018, they accounted for more than 51 percent of all youth who were transferred by a judge from juvenile court to a criminal court that year. These disparities were true even among children who committed similar types of crimes.
Although Black youth were charged in only 38 percent of cases involving crimes against a person in 2018, they accounted for almost 57 percent of youth who were transferred from juvenile to adult court for those same offenses, Similarly, although Black youth were accused in only 19 percent of drug cases in 2018, they made up more than 26 percent of all youth transferred in drug cases that year. These numbers only include youth who were transferred to adult court by a judge. No federal law requires states to collect data on the other ways children may be sent to adult courts. There is no national record of how many youth are sent to adult court by a prosecutor who has unreviewable discretion and authority to make that decision, or by state laws that automatically treat minors as "adults" when they commit certain crimes at certain ages.
Racial disparities in juvenile transfer are even more pronounced in state records,ss Florida has the dubious distinction of prosecuting and incarcerating the highest number of children as adults in the country. The vast majority of those youth are Black. Of the 1,169 Florida children transferred to adult court from 2017 to 2018, 771 were Black. Prison sentences were also 7.8 percent longer for Black youth in Florida than White youth sentenced for the same type of offense.
Once transferred to adult court, youth face the same harsh penalties as an adult. Despite recent legal challenges to lengthy and severe sentences for all young people,61 twenty-five states still allow judges to sentence children to die in prison. These "life without parole" sentences require youth to spend the rest of their natural lives in prison without any opportunity to demonstrate they have been rehabilitated. They will never be able to tell a parole board about their good behavior, academic achievements, religious conversion, or time to reflect in prison. Most will never attend a high school prom or graduation ceremony, and most will never get married, have children, own a home, or care for their aging parents. Many of them will lose contact with an intimate partner and lose custody of children they had before their conviction. Black children will be impacted the most.’ [MORE]