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[Stop and Degrade Blacks EVERY DAY in Liberal Cities] NFL DT Christian Barmore was Just Another NGHR to Providence Cops who Subjected Black Man to Search, Fuckery; Freedom Destroyed Over Expired Tag

WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT? Patriots DT Christian Barmore accused Providence police of acting "unprofessional" and racist during a traffic stop on Wednesday. However, body camera footage released by PPD seems to tell a different story.

"I just experienced for the first time 5 Providence cops being very unprofessional racism at it's finest," the 25-year-old former 2nd round draft pick wrote on X at 1:22 AM in a since-deleted tweet, describing the incident as he saw it. [more at TMZ]

The media, which is an enterprise owned and controlled by elite whites, functions to partner with police departments in their daily domination of Black people. Media probots generally parrot whatever authorities say and ignore the so-called 4th Amendment rights of Black people. Here, in this episode involving Barmore, witness all the rationalizations made by authority and media to justify the destruction of his; freedom of movement, freedom to be free from searches and seizures (car was impounded b/c tag expired 10 days ago) and his right to be left the fuck alone. According to FUNKTIONARY.

rationalization – a lame-ass attempt at self-justification. A vast majority of what man refers to as reason is simply rationalization—an egocentric (ego-sin-trick) process employed or deployed for self-serving ends. (See: Reason)

Legal truths however must give way to reality. Brazen cops so frequently abuse their power that no black shopper, pedestrian, motorist, juvenile, adult or black professional of any kind—could make a rational argument that so-called constitutional rights provide black people any meaningful protection from cops or the government in general. 4th Amendment rights exist in law books and courtrooms but such “rights” are a myth on the street for Black people. The stronger an individual’s belief is in the 4th Amendment, the further separated he is from reality and the more his expectations will be frustrated [MORE] and [more]. A more adequate description of “4th Amendment rights” are Master’s Favors which can be taken away and granted to a worthy citizen-servant by a governmental master or privileges turned on and off like a light switch in a system of free range slavery.

CANT WALK OR DRIVE OR BE ANYWHERE IN RACIST SYSTEM. In EVERY City Controlled by Elite White Liberals w/a Large Black Population, Cops Stop and Degrade Blacks in Grossly Disproportionate Numbers]

Most black people live in metro areas. The U.S. metropolitan areas with the 30 largest African-American populations are [HERE] Everywhere one finds a large population of black people living in metro areas controlled by elite, white liberals, the police stop, use force, detain, prosecute and kill blacks in grossly disproportionate numbers. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary phenomenon and inexplicably and strongly believe that elite, white liberals are their political allies who help to ‘protect their rights.’

To trick the gullible black votary elite white liberals often pay lip service about police brutality and decarceration at election time, claiming that police unaccountability is somehow part of Democrats agenda, despite all evidence to the contrary and contravention of the reality that authorities in cities controlled by elite, white liberals are the main perpetrators of it;































A FREE RANGE PRISON. Authorities and their media often mischaracterize police stops of Black drivers and Black citizens as ‘minor intrusions’ or temporary interferences with their freedom. For example, NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg attacked a NYC court decision which ruled stop and frisk unconstitutional, by claiming, “stop and frisk is not racial profiling.” In reality, the pervasive use of authority to arbitrarily stop law abiding Black people against their volition terrorizes and degrades their humanity and “citizenship” and chills their inherent human right to freedom of movement.

Black scholars Naa Kwate and Shatema Threadcraft explain that unlawful stops of Black people lead to “Embodied stress, fear and trauma” because “the subject knows that any encounter may well end in death—and moreover, that the death may go unpunished.” The frequency of such “routine” stops ‘produces bodies that are harassed, stressed and resource deprived, if not altogether dead.’ Kwate and Threadcraft state, “Even those who are not stopped fear being stopped, fear death, and thus also find themselves in the grip of this form of necropower.” The omnipresent threat of being stopped for no reason by police is a form of “torture-lite” according to scholar Paul Butler. Here, the difference between adherent rights and inherent rights should be understood. FUNKTIONARY explains,

adherent rights – privileges disguised as so-called “rights” created by men via deceptive word-manipulation in written form called “symbolaeography,” and legal documents. 2) privileges granted by an apparent or putative authority at the expense of one's inherent or unalienable ‘rights.’ Also, “rights deriving from the corporate government (against itself) that can be liened against or taken away at any time by the creator or grantor of the bestowed right or benefit.”

inherent rights – unalienable and unassailable rights. Also, “All individual’s have unalienable rights. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. [MORE]

rights” – useful fictions declared in order to make agents of another type of fiction (“government”) have to play along in their deadly theatrical (tragicomedy) game. 2) mere fictions, the contemplation of which leads only to a progressive social, personal, racial and jurisprudential separation from reality. Discussion and debates about “rights” merely evades the FAQ, i.e., the frequently avoided question of who is to enforce any “right” and who will benefit from the pretense. [MORE]

unalienable rights –You can't surrender, sell or transfer unalienable rights, they are a gift from the creator to the individual and can't under any circumstances be surrendered or taken. [MORE]

Hans Buchheim explains, ‘The humanity of each person is the interior reference point of every natural or inherent right. We are all naturally endowed with rights - rights that we possess because we are human beings (regardless of whether we have earned them or are deemed worthy of them by a government authority) – these rights are not given or taken away. Said rights are necessary to human dignity and autonomy - among other things, these natural rights include the right of freedom of movement, the right to be free from detentions, seizures, searches and the right to be left the fuck alone.’

Pervasive, arbitrary stops function to “niggerize,” degrade humanity and humiliate Blacks in public, rendering them “unsafe, unprotected, subjected and subjugated to random violence” by government authority. The undeceiver Jeremy Locke points out that “slavery is not a concept of totality . . . The ultimate slavery is murder . . . Slavery is found both in the partial and complete destruction of freedom.” Prolific stops by cops everywhere a large number of Black people reside, inhibit their freedom of movement and function as a tool to keep Blacks confined to a physical, social and symbolic space. Thus, elites use arbitrary stops to help dominate Black people and control their movements by force. Such stops are a form of slavery. The result is a 2nd class citizenship for Blacks. Legal scholar Charles Epps observes, “police stops convey powerful messages about citizenship and equality. Across millions of stops, these experiences are translated into common stories about who is an equal member of a rule-governed society and who is subjected to arbitrary surveillance and inquiry.” FUNKTIONARY makes it plain, “People who are awake see cops as mercenary security guards that remind us daily, through acts of force, that we are simultaneously both enemies and slaves of the Corporate State

The above is part of mounting evidence that voting for liberals and supporting their causes has been a complete disaster for Blacks. In metro areas controlled by elite white liberals Black people’s so-called “rights” are turned on and off like light switches as cops routinely surveil, stop, detain and search their clothing, possessions, cars and generally interfere with their freedom of movement as they attempt to go about their daily lives. Additionally, in the same places, police have mauled, injured and put thousands of Black people into greater confinement and murdered hundreds with impunity.[MORE]

Elite liberals and their Black probots loudly and dogmatically claim that voting will solve most of their problems. However, the quality of Black citizenship stays low where the majority of Blacks live and it does so despite high turnout by the black votary. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained Black people are currently in a “losing streak that is centuries long.” According to the Urban League’s report, “State of Black America,” “Black people haven’t progressed since 1965” and “the Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality of life in the US. That is, Black people occupy the bottom of nearly every statistical category of life. [MORE]. To racist suspect elite white liberals, Black people and their welfare are not the end of the electoral process but merely the means for winning. “It’s high time to cut the leash.”