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Boris Johnson says COVID Lockdowns were “Medieval.” Is that One of the Reasons Elites Removed Him from Service?

From [HERE] Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he doubts lockdowns played a significant role in bringing the COVID-19 pandemic to an end.

In extracts released from his new memoir Unleashed, he describes the lockdowns as “literally medieval in their savagery and consequences,” and likened himself to King Canute attempting to “repel the waves of a highly contagious disease.”

He also says he believes the COVID-19 virus did originate in a laboratory in Wuhan, rather than a wet market.

At the British government’s COVID inquiry last December, Johnson said there were “appalling harms on either side of the decision” to lock down the country, and he apologised for any mistakes he and his government made.

Initially, according to the extracts, Johnson said he believe the lockdowns were reducing the spread of the virus.

“It was only later that I started to look at the curves of the pandemic around the world—the double hump that seemed to rise and fall irrespective of the approaches taken by governments,” he writes.

“There were always two waves, whether you were in China, where lockdowns were ruthlessly enforced, or in Sweden, where they took a more voluntary approach.”

He continues: “I am not saying that lockdowns achieved nothing; I am sure they had some effect. But were they decisive in beating back the ­disease, turning that wave down? All I can say is that I am no longer sure.”

Johnson goes on to say that the lockdowns showed Britain had “barely progressed” from the Elizabethan era, four hundred years ago, when theatres were closed and the number of mourners at funerals were limited to stop the spread of pestilence.

Three national lockdowns took place in Britain, from March 2020 to June 2020, from November 2020 to December 2020 and from January 2021 to May 2021.

Boris Johnson was forced to resign in 2022, after a series of scandals including so-called “Partygate,” when it was revealed the members of the government did not abide by the social-distancing restrictions imposed on the country.

Allies of Mr Johnson, such as Michael Gove, have suggested the lockdowns went totally against the former prime ministers “worldview.”