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Elon Musk: The Purpose Of No Voter ID [and voting in secret] Is To Conduct Fraud In Elections

From [HERE] In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk shared a wild story of his friend showing his ID at a voting precinct only to be told they can't look at it because it is now illegal in California to require an ID to vote.

ELON MUSK: So my prediction is, if there's another four years of a Dem administration, they will legalize so many illegals that are there that the next election there won't be any swing states. And it will be a single-party country, just like California is a single-party state.

That's a super-majority Dem state in California.

TUCKER CARLSON: Because of immigration?

MUSK: Yes. California was fairly reliably Republican.

CARLSON: Bill Clinton lost California in 1992 and won West Virginia.

MUSK: Yes.

So there was a 1986 amnesty. Thereafter California trended very strongly Dem, and is at this point I think 65-70% Dem, something like that. It's super-majority Dem. The California legislature is more than two-thirds Democrat.

CARLSON: Has it improved the state?

MUSK: No. It's not. And California just passed, which is shocking, it's hard to believe this is even real, but California just passed a law making it illegal to require a voter ID in any election at all in California.

You didn't know that? No. Newsom signed it into law last week. It's illegal to require an ID? In any election, even a town council.

A friend of mine who lives in Palo Alto was like, is this actually real? And he went to vote in some city council election.

He tried to show them his ID, and they said, we're not even allowed to look at your ID.

CARLSON: Have they extended the same --

MUSK: This is actually what's going on right now. By the way, they're proud of it. They're not hiding it.

CARLSON: But it's only voting. It's not buying a gun or buying liquor or buying a pack of cigarettes or flying on an airplane or renting a hotel room. It's only voting that it's illegal.

MUSK: Oh, if you try to buy a gun, they're going to ID you six ways to Sunday. Yeah. California's trying to make it basically illegal to own a gun. And the same people that demanded vaccine IDs if you want to travel or do anything are the same ones who say no voter ID is required.

CARLSON: Is there any reason to pass a law like that except to abet voter fraud?

MUSK: It's so that fraud cannot be proven. It enables large-scale fraud and no way to prove it, because how would you prove it? It's literally impossible. No ID. You're not even allowed to show your ID. It's insane. [MORE]