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Trump Misses Point: Regardless of Her Chromosomes, Kamala isn't a “Black” Politician b/c She Delivers Nothing of Tangible Value to Black Communities, has No Black Ideology and is Controlled by Elites

In general, the dependent media and its parroting black media provide an uncritical examination of all black politicians unless they go against the status quo as articulated and maintained by the elite liberal political establishment or if they otherwise defy authority in some manner. In fact, most Black politicians are lionized despite failing to deliver anything of tangible, material benefit to their black constituents or despite their obvious failure to engage themselves in the nuts and bolts work of actually solving some of the many problems plaguing Black lives.

Here, we are necessarily only talking about democrat politicians because the lone criticism offered about black politicians by the dependent media is that they are ‘republican.’ Thus, they are deemed inherently suspect and ‘not really Black.’ To elite white liberals there appears to be no other criteria for “black politics” besides “not republican.” Baked into this clogic is the ignorant, unchallenged assumption that white liberals are presumed to be “pro-black” and that liberals and blacks have interchangeable political interests by default. However, Black people are not elite white liberals – and elite white liberals are not subjected to the system of racism white supremacy or the system of authority in the manner that blacks are summarily dealt with. According to the Urban League’s report, “State of Black America,” “Black people haven’t progressed since 1965” and “the Black-White disparity persists across virtually every line or indicator of life and quality of life in the US. Black people occupy the bottom of nearly every statistical category of life and have a demonstrated 2nd class citizenship in the places they reside. If you believe the concept of “race” has no scientific validity and is merely a political classification, then addressing the myriad of unjust problems plaguing Black people and their communities should be a paramount concern and an on-going emergency. Yet, the menu of political concerns and grievances articulated by elite white liberals (environmentalism, Ukraine war, Israel wars, aborticide after the 7 month, unlimited immigration, genderplex confusion, Trump obsession, free experimental “vaccines” and “good vibes”) have nothing to do with the daily realities Black people face.

Additionally, an army of thousands of black elected and [s]elected officials (borgs) at all levels of government are not a reflection of any “black power.” Rather, they are representatives of a powerless people – powerless to prevent racists from practicing racism against them and powerless to solve their own problems. So-called “black” leaders, such as Muriel Bowser, Barak Obama, Kamala Harris, Hakeem Jeffries, Gregory Meeks, or Lori Lightfoot, are not engaged in any “black politics” nor do they espouse any “black” political theory, or do they have any articulable “Black agenda.” These highly controlled individuals function as straw bosses, black wards, vassals, quislings and puppeticians who literally ‘perform leadership’ (making great speeches, symbolic gestures but doing actually nothing) to Blacks on behalf of wealthy white interests and serve as their “human resources.” Said individuals possess black chromosomes but are otherwise indistinguishable with their liberal neuropean counterparts.

The individual political successes of black elected and [s]elected officials has not translated into power directly or somehow vicariously empowered the Black masses much in the same way successful Black athlete, celebrities and entertainers also do not tangibly empower Blacks. Rather, said coin-operated Blacks enrich the pockets of powerful whites who own and control the liberal political establishment and the sports and “enterstainment” industries. Said showcase Blacks and puppeticians alike derive and maintain their success, relevance and prestige from their usefulness and allegiance to the elite whites who function as their masters.

Don’t mistake this as an endorsement of black conservatives, who at least make a logical, written attempt to explain their theory and beliefs. Rather, it is more proof that black politics is presently devoid of accountability, goals, substance, integrity and interiority. Black politics has been rendered meaningless, no longer having any ideology besides parroting whatever is on the white liberals’ agenda. It is also part of mounting evidence that voting for elite liberals and supporting their causes has been a complete disaster for Blacks. Elite liberals and their Black probots loudly and dogmatically claim that voting will solve most of their problems. However, the quality of Black citizenship stays low where the majority of Blacks live and it does so despite high turnout by the black votary.

In reality, the evidence tends to show that elite white liberals appear to have entirely opposite interests to the substantial majority of Black people. Dems claim to be a party of “freedom” yet in the metro areas where most black people live (areas all controlled by elite, white liberals) the police stop, search, detain, and degrade Blacks in grossly disproportionate numbers. Brazen cops so frequently abuse their power that no black shopper, pedestrian, motorist, juvenile, adult or black professional of any kind—could make a rational argument that so-called constitutional rights provide black people any meaningful protection from cops in the areas where they reside. Also, despite clear Supreme Court rulings concerning the right to carry a gun in public for self-defense against criminals, liberal puppeticians and authorities prohibit Blacks from protecting themselves in the crime ridden areas they live in – the same areas in which liberal police departments fail to provide meaningful protection from criminals. As such, its not clear what dems mean by freedom – perhaps they mean freedom granted and taken away by a governmental authority, not inherent, natural freedom? Dems often talk about police reform and accountability at election time, but whose police departments are assaulting and murdering Black people with impunity in Phoenix, Aurora, Columbus, Cleveland, Minneapolis, NYC, DC, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, LA, San Francisco, Atlanta, Louisville, Memphis, and many other places? Can dems be the party of decarceration when liberal prosecutors are filling the courtrooms and jails with Blacks in places such as DC, Chicago, NYC and Atlanta? Are republicans making liberal prosecutors routinely remove Blacks from juries? If dems are a party of an ‘opportunity economy’ who is denying mortgage loans, evicting Black families and making them homeless in the places where most Black live? Is it MAGA providing a servant education to Black children who can barely read, think and count when they graduate from public fool systems in places such as Detroit and Baltimore?

Nevertheless, despite all evidence to the contrary, Black people rarely question this extraordinary phenomenon and inexplicably believe that elite, white liberals are their political allies. In so doing, the Black electorant enthusiastically barks and claps for grimacing white liberals and their Black golden retrievers, such as Kamala, and thereby remain complicit in their devolution and domination.