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How COVID Injections Cause Cancer and How to Defeat It

From [HERE] By October 2022, there was a significant increase in fourteen different types of cancers across 44 countries, particularly among young people.

The American Cancer Society reported that cancer mortality in young people had doubled compared to pre-2020 levels.

Pfizer’s 2022 safety report on covid “vaccines” documented thousands of cancer cases following vaccinations, with 3,711 cases reported by June 2022.

UK oncologist Angus Dalgleish observed aggressive cancer relapses in patients who had received covid booster vaccines, suggesting a link between the vaccines and cancer.

Canadian oncologist William Makis noted unprecedented cases of stage four cancers in young adults, describing them as “turbo cancer” due to their aggressive nature and resistance to conventional treatments.

Pathologist Ryan Cole criticised covid injections for causing immune suppression, which impairs the body’s ability to fight cancer, and reported a significant increase in cancer cases post-vaccine rollout.  Cole estimated that 17 million people have died due to mRNA injections, describing the situation as a “silent holocaust” and criticising the medical establishment for denying these deaths.

“It is important to fully appreciate the spike protein burden in the vaccinated, in order to be able to find the best strategies to reverse the risk and the damage of this toxin … The better we understand these processes, the better we will be able to defend patients and the public against the imminent coming years of record-breaking cancer rates,” Dr. Coleen Huber wrote in a recent essay.

Over the years, The Exposé has frequently published articles about the risk of vaccine-induced cancers and the increase in cancer cases after the mass rollout of the covid so-called vaccines.  But many may have missed all the pieces in the puzzle, especially if they have not been following the real news as it was breaking.  Thankfully, Dr. Huber has gathered all the evidence into one essay for us which we have reproduced below.  In her essay, Dr. Huber explains:

– The mechanism of mRNA “vaccines” and the resulting spike protein production by people’s bodies after vaccination.

– The correlation between covid injections and certain cancers including lymphomas, glioblastomas, colorectal, ovarian and breast cancers.

– The global rise in cancer cases and mortality post-vaccination.  Globally, cancer diagnoses and excess deaths have risen following the covid vaccine rollout, with a notable acceleration after booster doses, particularly affecting younger age groups.  “The vulnerability is sufficient for all humans to be sure to avoid the covid vaccines,” Dr. Huber writes.

– The concerns and cautionary advice regarding vaccination for cancer patients.  People, who already face cancer as a leading cause of death, should avoid covid injections.

– The impact of covid injections on immune response and antibody production and the role of Type I interferon in immune function and cancer suppression.

– The mechanisms of cancer development and the role of spike protein.

– The impact of spike protein on DNA damage and repair.

– The suppression of tumour suppressor genes by spike protein.

– The spike protein’s role in cancer growth and angiogenesis.

– The immune evasion by cancer cells and the impact of vaccination.  The covid injections may weaken the immune system and allow cancer cells to evade immune detection.  Tumours can evade the immune system by disguising themselves as “self,” making it difficult for the immune system to target them.

– Enhancing immune vigilance and the role of vitamin A.  Vitamin A has been shown to help unmask hidden cancers, allowing the immune system to target them, and its deficiency is linked to camouflaged colorectal cancer.

– Metastasis, the spread of cancer cells to new locations in the body, and the importance of basement membrane integrity. [MORE]