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Post Election Massa' Media Continues to Deceive, Divide People: NYT’s ‘Heartbroken’ Black Women Edition

From [HERE] Even after a decisive election in which President-elect Donald Trump increased his support among nearly every demographic group, The New York Times is as busy as ever dividing Americans over race and sex. I’m convinced if it weren’t allowed to do that for a single day, the paper would shut down.

The Times this week ran the absurd headline, “Disillusioned by the Election, Some Black Women Are Deciding to Rest,” bolstering that thesis with serious investigative work into the mood of black Americans across the nation.

Just kidding. The Times simply interviewed a handful of DEI scammers and looked at TikTok, where the most psychotic Democrat women go to record and publicly share their mental breakdowns.

At the very start of the article is a quote from Cheri Hall, a “diversity, equity and inclusion consultant,” who told the paper she was “heartbroken” by Trump’s victory. The Times then described a narcissistic TikTok video Hall recently posted in which she hysterically declares her intent to socially withdraw and encourages other black women to do the same.

“She won’t allow herself to feel consumed by national politics, she said, and she instead plans to focus on her mental and physical health by exercising and no longer molding herself to please others,” is how the Times generously explained it. The video would be more accurately described as a self-important monologue about how a Democrat voter didn’t see the election results she’d hoped for — surely a victim of the media’s nonstop liesthat Kamala Harris was popular — so she plans to alienate her neighbors.