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More ‘Teddy Bear Code Politics’ from the NAACP as it Files Suit Over Restored Confederate School names in VA while Black Kids Can Barely Read, Talk or Think

From [HERE] The Virginia chapter of the NAACP and a group of five students plan to file a lawsuit against the Shenandoah County School Board after it approved a proposal to rename two public schools after Confederate military leaders.

The lawsuit, first reported by NBC News, is the latest development in an ongoing battle over Mountain View High and Honey Run Elementary, originally named Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School.

“My belief is the Shenandoah County School Board reaffirmed their commitment to White supremacy and the celebration of a race-based rebellion against the United States of America with their vote to name public schools after military leaders of the Confederate States of America,” Rev. Cozy Bailey, president of the chapter, said in a statement.

“When students walk through the halls of renamed Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School, they will do so with inescapable reminders of Confederate legacies that enslaved and discriminated against African-descended people. This community deserves better,” he added.

The two schools were renamed in 2020 after racial justice advocates around the nation urged institutions to change building names and remove statues that honored Confederate figures.

But critics of the schools’ name changes argued the renaming was hasty and undemocratic. Attempts to restore the schools’ Confederate names have persisted since. [MORE]

“THE TEDDY BEAR CODE.” Chancellor Williams and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing both explained that Black sheeple 'continue to live in a dream world where they believe that singing, marching, dancing, chanting, having cookouts, releasing balloons into the air, making fantastic speeches, being ‘great hopers’ and ‘staying prayed up’ will solve problems plaguing Black lives and their communities. Neely Fuller calls such activity “the Teddy Bear Code” or "protest" that is actually in cooperation with and submission to white supremacy/racism and government authority - whether or not the advocates are aware of it.

Another form of Teddy Bear Code activity is the symbolic politics engaged in by so-called “Black leaders” such as advocacy for; the removal of statues, federal holidays, policing the words used by white people, demanding apologies for bigotry, unorganized (individual consumer choice) “boycotts” and travel advisories. In this category we can also put meeting, thoughting and arguing about reparations, a futile quest for an elusive pot of gold possessed by elite racists or “a strategic diversionary tactic in the rebellion toward liberation.” All the above is a cowardly way for Black people to avoid dealing with their present reality. The “Niggerati” would rather in engage in fantasy discussions, than deal with the nuts and bolts work of economic development, the creation of sustainable independent communities and institutions and providing a real “education” to Black children that teaches them how to solve their communities problems and defend their group interests, not mere training to serve elite whites, dominate their own people and enhance the system of authority.

The presence of confederate statutes at a school is a relatively minor concern when you consider that nationwide 80% of African-American fourth-graders can barely read and understand mathematics and only 19% scored proficient in math. [MORE] According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) just 18% of Black eighth-graders reach reading “proficiency.” [MORE] And NAEP recently found that only 17% of Black 12th graders were proficient at reading. [MORE] Please read that again. It means an overwhelming amount of Black youth are functionally illiterate or unable to articulate thoughts or speak in complete sentences. A recent study found that many graduating 12th graders in Washington, D.C. couldn’t read and write. A recently settled lawsuit in Detroit claimed authorities “deliberately" denied black children “the right of access to literacy" and provided “education” in its ‘chaotic and under-resourced schools’ where “illiteracy is the norm." According to the complaint,

‘Black children sit in classrooms where not even the pretense of education takes place, in schools that are functionally incapable of delivering access to literacy. This abject failure makes it nearly impossible for young people to attain the level of literacy necessary to function—much less thrive—in higher education, the workforce, and the activities of democratic citizenship.’

Similar educational disparities are found in nearly all urban areas where substantially more Black people reside (than Virginia or Florida) such as, Newark, NYC, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, Boston, etc. Another ‘failure to educate Black kids’ lawsuit in Baltimore (home of the NAACP headquarters) claims, ‘schools performed abysmally on State tests for reading, writing, geometry, and mathematics; dropout rates and absenteeism were unacceptably high; over a fifth of the schools’ performance was so deficient that the State could take over if the schools they did not improve; and a substantial proportion of the system’s physical facilities were in poor condition.’ Clearly NAACP is aware of the above.

The elite white liberals who control the NAACP would prefer Black people to misperceive their actual reality and to make believe confederate statues in VA or ‘the Florida AP curriculum,’ which triggered the NAACP’s unorganized “travel ban,” are high priorities among a range of less serious problems facing Black people. Within this delusion “the state of Black America” is somehow believed to be progressing and not in a continuous state of checkmate.