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Contrary to Gas Lighting by The Dependent Media about the Economy BP Research Finds that Over half of Latinos are concerned about not being able to pay next month's rent or mortgage

From [HERE] Over half of Latinos in Arizona, Texas and California say they are worried about not being able to pay next month's rent or mortgage, according to a new survey conducted by BSP Research on behalf of the Latino civil rights and advocacy organization UnidosUS.

The study, "titled Latino Banking and Financial Health Survey," sought to better understand the financial situation of the 62 million Latinos living in the United States.

Researchers surveyed 1,200 Latinos on economic issues such as their use of bank accounts, junk fees, and access to credit, as well as other financial health measures, including their saving levels, retirement savings, health care spending, and debt.

Among the most pressing concerns, 54 percent of respondents in Arizona and California said they were afraid of not being able to make their rent or mortgage payments, while 49 percent of respondents in Texas felt that way, UnidosUS specified during a briefing on the study on Tuesday.

These rates are higher among young Latinos. The findings show that about two-thirds (66 percent) of young Latinos aged 25-39 are concerned about next month's rent or mortgage payment, compared to 44 percent of those aged 40 and over.

Debt is also higher among younger Latinos. 59 percent of all respondents have $100,000 or more in mortgage debt, but that figure is 53 percent for those 40 and older and 81 percent for those between 25 and 39.