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[consent to take medicine obtained thru misinformation is Fraud, Battery and/or Murder] Gov Authorities, “Vaccine” Makers and Media Had No Safety Data to Claim COVID Shots Safe for Pregnant Women

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From [HERE] British Columbia attorney Lee Turner joins Rebel News to unpack disturbing findings uncovered by freedom of information requests, proving the 'safe and effective' COVID-19 vaccine narrative told to pregnant and lactating women contradicts what's written in the government's confidential contract with Pfizer and more.

However, as recent as December 2023, Health Minister Mark Holland confirmed in an order paper question response that “the safety and efficacy of these vaccines in pregnant women have not yet been established.” The ministry further disclosed that “Health Canada has not approved any safety claims with regard to pregnant and lactating women.”

Such statements directly contradict what public health officials previously promised Canadians, including B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, who professed that she could “say unequivocally these vaccines do not affect fertility in women or boys or young men” back in 2021. [MORE]