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Kilyn Lewis Had Both Hands Up When an Aurora Race Soldier Murdered Him 40 Days Ago. But, Charging the Cop has Been a LOW Priority to the Liberal DA Office, which is ALWAYS Eager to Prosecute Blacks

The crowds demanding justice for Kilyn Lewis have repeatedly called for the white Aurora police officer who pulled the trigger killing the unarmed Black man to be immediately held criminally accountable for the 37-year-old’s death.

Alice Hayes, said “We as taxpayers and as voters, we need to change that culture of the wheels turning slow.”

Body-worn camera video shows that Kilyn Lewis was holding a cellphone with both hands up when an Aurora Police officer wearing a military costume shot and killed him over 40 days ago on May 25, 2025. The race soldier cop who shot him stood about ten feet away from Lewis. Apparently, the cop has claimed that a cell phone looks just like a gun to him.

Three (3) camera angles show the 37-year-old Lewis behind a red Chevy Monte Carlo with both hands visible when SWAT teams attempted to arrest him in connection to an attempted homicide that occurred earlier that month. Three officers shout multiple commands and Lewis can be seen putting his left hand into his pocket and his right hand behind his back as he turns toward two of the officers.

He then puts both hands up and is holding a black cell phone in his right hand. He does not point the cell phone at the officers. Officer Michael Dieck, one of three surrounding Lewis, fired a single shot from his rifle.

“I would say to folks, this is something that's been going on for a long time in terms of trust in prosecutors and police and all of us trying to ensure that people who wear a badge are held accountable,” said Arapahoe County District Attorney John Kellner, (in photo above) whose critical incident response team is working on the Lewis investigation. 

Kellner will ultimately decide whether to file charges against Aurora Police SWAT officer Michael Dieck, who fired the bullet that killed Lewis. 

“My office has a long history of prosecuting individuals who wore a badge, who committed some kind of crime,” Kellner said. “You just don't want to rush to a decision. We're going to complete our process and I'm going to complete my review, and then I'm going to make a decision whether that is to file charges, not file charges, or present the case to a grand jury. I haven't made a decision yet.”

“We treat these as a top priority,” Dougherty said. “I recognize when people are frustrated that these are taking what they perceive to be too long, but I want to make sure that two, three or 15 years from now they look back and they know the right result was reached in terms of the thoroughness of the review, whether it took three weeks or eight weeks.”

Prosecutors promptly charge most defendants shortly after an incident occurs. The decision to charge or not charge will depend upon police reports and available evidence, such as witness statements, photographs, forensic evidence and video. Most evidence is circumstantial or indirect evidence - and does not include smoking gun evidence such as eyewitness testimony. Rarely are crimes captured entirely on video.

Not here though, a white aurora police officer shot the black man and it all was caught on video cameras with 3 separate angles. As such, the trained and experienced white lawyers who work for Aurora are full of shit. It is true that in the system of authority, cops have the power to use force offensively to kill when they face an imminent threat of deadly harm. Nevertheless, Mr. Lewis had his hands up - the universal way of obeying authority. There is obvious probable cause for murder; just hit play and watch. The media, which is controlled by elite white folks is doing its best to rationalize any delay in charging a white cop. In order to do this, the media attempts to make it seem reasonable that a cell phone could like a gun. At least it does in a Black person’s hand. Such misperception of reality has lead to perhaps thousands of Black murders in which phones look like guns, tasers look like guns, immobile cars are dragging cops, guns underneath shirts are still visible, hands up means an attack is imminent, etc. Such deluded thinking can only rationalize itself in a racist mind (or the enslaved mind of a non-white individual) when it encounters color.

Here, these rationalizations work as self-justifications in the minds of racist cops, “journalists,” jurors, prosecutors and readers. Such a mind is filled with fantasies centered around an imaginary human hierarchy of people in which whites are supreme. When some racists are in the presence of color or think of color, particularly Black men, they can no longer see things as they really are. Their eyes are filled with thoughts and all sorts of idiocy about non-whites [dangerous, inherently criminal doing this and that] crowds their mind and enables them to engage in various forms of self deception. Their delusions enable them to make believe white lawlessness is ‘public order.’ Remember, a mind that is filled with belief is a mind which can project anything according to the belief. When you see things always remember this."  In general, racists are masterful liars and know how to tell their tales in accord with the appetite of the racist mind and such trickery enables authorities to get away with murdering Black people such as Kilyn Lewis.

Obviously if Kilyn Lewis were a young white man this probably would have never happened. But if it did happen to a young white person, the cop would be summarily fired as soon as practicable, criminal charges would be papered, an arraignment would be put on the court calendar and white journalists would condemn the rogue cop- no protests would be necessary.

Prediction here is that the racist suspect DA won’t file any charges against the racist suspect cop and the racist suspect dependent media will help to justify such psychopathic behavior as normal because Mr. Lewis was Black. Such is the nature of the system of racism white supremacy and the nature of the system of power supremacy.