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“No Justice, Just a Piece.” Coin-Operated Token Kamala is Owned by Big Pharma and Big Aborticide and Paid to Do Whatever Elites Say, While Providing Nothing of Tangible Value to Black People

From [HERE] Throughout her mystifying, skyrocketing political career, Kamala Harris has repeatedly demonstrated her fealty to the pharmaceutical, abortion, and tra nsgender industries, using her position of authority to feed their unquenchable thirst for profit by promoting their manufactured demands for dangerous experimental vaccines, for their monstrous so-called “sex-changing” medical and surgical treatments for young people and kids, and for the devaluing and destruction of human life through abortion.

Harris, along with her newly picked vice-presidential running mate Tim Walz, are dangerous radical extremists, more beholden to lining the pockets of demonic so-called “healthcare” industries than they are to protecting the dignity and flourishing of American lives.

Harris: Fighting for Big Pharma profits, not public health

Harris has promoted the COVID-19 (C19) vaccine from the start and continues to do so as evidenced by an “up to date” vaccination requirement for all who seek employment at her campaign headquarters.

Harris currently demands that those she employ continually update their C19 vaccination status, despite the fact that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have admitted since August 2021 that the C19 jab does nothing to stop the transmission of COVID.

“Harris has steadfastly stood by Biden’s federal vaccine mandates, federal mask mandates, as well as lockdowns of businesses, schools, and places of worship all across America during COVID,” noted Nikos Biggs-Chiropolos of the Honest Media Project. “As someone who has spent her entire career trying to please Democratic Party elites and donors, rather than regular people, it is clear that her top priority is propping up powerful companies rather than fighting for better public health.”

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In a remarkable, damning video from July 2021, Harris spouts off one lie after another about the efficacy of the C19 vaccine.

“Getting vaccinated is the single best defense against getting COVID-19 and its variants,” declared Harris, who has never corrected herself or bothered to change her guileful messaging.

“First, we all know it doesn’t stop transmission,” said Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, an expert who has documented vaccine safety and efficacy.

“Second, where’s the study comparing it to the Brownstein protocol? Or comparing vaccination to Ivermectin? Or comparing vaccination to hydroxychloroquine plus corticosteroids and zinc?” continued Lyons-Weiler. “There have been no randomized clinical trials that made these comparisons.”

“She’s literally making this up as she goes along,” he pointed out.

“Is it moral for the vice president of the United States to say a vaccine is ‘highly effective’ when it is unable to stop transmission of the virus it is intended to combat?” asked Biggs-Chiropolos.

It’s not moral, but her lies certainly helped pharmaceutical companies reap windfall profits from the C19 hysteria that Harris helped to foment.

“Her record clearly shows how she is a puppet of Big Pharma rather than a champion of the people,” said Biggs-Chiropolos.

But Harris’s confounding continued push to promote the COVID-19 jab is only part of a larger picture of a leader who in reality is nothing more than a tool of nefarious “healthcare” industries.

It gets worse. Far worse. [MORE]