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WHO is Tedros Ghebreyesus? An “OpporTomist” WHOring for Elites WHO Seek to Impose Tyranny and Death through Plandemics and Other False Flaggotry

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According to FUNKTIONARY:

Opportomist” – a straight-up opportunist who revels in his tokenhood. 2) a token hood handpicked and taken out of the ‘hood. 3) a lawn jockey. 4) a “Yes-man” for the “Other Man” in derogation of the “Brotherman.” An opportomist is an African-American nameslug who has been acculturated and culturally conditioned into self-hatred and seeks personal gain through obsequious behavior to Caucasian overlings. (See: Sambo, Criss-Crossover, DAMS & Mainstream)