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The Unvaccinated May Also be Contaminated with the Same Materials Found in COVID Injections through Food, the Water Supply or Shedding. Videos Show Dangerous Microrobots in the Blood of the Unvaxxed

Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston states, “I want to share some more video footage of microrobots in UNVACCINATED blood. I am sharing my concerns with the world, because I find these in everyone now, especially when they come to my clinic for detoxification for the first time. It is my hope that the video images will break through the walls of denial. I am very concerned about humanity and the future of our species.” - Dr. Ana Mihalcea Ephesians 5 “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Everything exposed by the light becomes visible - and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” -

In this post, I want to share some more video footage of microrobots in Covid 19 unvaccinated blood. I am sharing my concerns with the world, because I find these in everyone now, especially when they come to my clinic for detoxification for the first time. It is my hope that the video images will break through the walls of denial. I am very concerned about humanity and the future of our species. These nano and microrobots clearly are instrumental in creating rouleaux formation ( clumping of the blood that does not allow proper oxygen delivery) - as well as creation of mesogen DNA microchips, which I have shown in other posts. Please share these videos, maybe they will reach someone, wake them up. I show you simply what I see everyday in my clinic, in everyone that comes to me. All of these examples are COVID UNVACCINATED, meaning they either got contaminated via shedding, geoengineering, food or water supply. I have hundreds of videos, but can only fit so many on one substack.