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"Realigon" defined in FUNKTIONARY


Realigion - the manifestation of Divinity enfolded in man--realignment with Reality--the framework for the pursuit of transcendent Self-Realization achieved through the luminous awareness received from the detached contemplation, hyperplexity, and comprehension of the holographic nature of Reality and totality of unitive Existence. 2) fresh contact with the timeless reality-based subjective truth eternally old and yet perpetually renewing. 3) communion with the unfathomable and the ineffable. 4) Real Religion or the Reality of the Real prior to spontaneous appearance in consciousness. 5) the integration and reconciliation of science and true religion along with the synthesis of logic and love. 6) soul raising reason via awareness to the power (height) of passion. 7) freedom from convictions and dogmas. 8) a system of agreement with the Laws that betoken a Transcendental Happening. As an individual matures spiritually he or she Self-ascends and transcends the confines of the written or spoken symbolic word and discovers in the silent reservoir of his/her inner consciousness the non-verbal soundless voice of Being. In Religion, one seeks to enter paradise; in Realigion it is paradise that enters "you" the moment "you" return whole from your split monkey-mind undivided within your authentic True God-Self-Divine---thereby opening the gates of your aboriginal soul to let paradise within your recovered "No-Self." Religion is translative and socially legitimate, if and when ever genuine; whereas Realigion, is authentic and transformative, thereby preparing one for the obviousness of what always Ever-As-Is. If you think you know what Realigion is then you have probably misunderstood it (although there is really nothing or no one to understand--just understanding). Realigion prepares you for the drivetime shock-joke of another order of Reality. Realigion is the highest flight of hue-man consciousness---it is the all-encompassing soular Self-search of divine interiority (Immortal Beingness reflected in the inner lake of Consciousness) all witnessed within the lost and found bin of cosmic Reality. Realigion works with the implications and promises of infinity instead of the curses of mass and absolute truth. Once Realigion has been internalized, someone may still shuffle your brain, but never scramble your mind. The real religion (realigion) is in danger not because of irreligion, atheism, or material realism. The real is never in danger from the unreal; it is always in danger from the pseudo-real because the pseudo give the appearance or impression (front, form or reification) of being real when it is counterfeit. Religion split secularism from spirituality--realigion fuses them back together. May your hologramatic consciousness forever remain sunny-side up for the downstroke. Realigion is the conscious awareness of the intricate energetic web that binds us inextricably to each other, to nature, and the Source experienced as the neuralistic Playforce. There is a destiny that makes us brothers and sisters down to the marrow of our bone. None tarries his or her way alone. All that we send out into the universe and into the lives of others, reverberates back into our own. Ashe-Amen--and lo! So mote it be. (See: Awakening, Awareness, Suddenlightenment, Neuralism, Guru, Apprentice, One Taste, Phfreeligion, Phfreedom, Drivetime, Playforce, Neuralism, Dhanmaa, Absolute, True Self, Individuality, Phfreemasonry, DYOG, Material Realism, Nonlocality, Quantum Reality, lnframation, Relational-Matrix, Experiential Process, Quantum Mechanics & Self-Moment)