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Kentucky candidate compares Obama to Hitler, Ted Bundy in new ad


One Kentucky congressional candidate is shocking viewers with a new television ad calling President Barack Obama a “murderer.”

“Would you vote for a murderer?” the ad by independent Kentucky House candidate Andrew Beacham asks in the beginning of the ad. “Would you vote for a man who paid others to murder for him? Would you vote for a man who stole from others to pay for his murder?”

The 30-second spot shows gruesome photos of a dismembered fetus and dead bodies and photos of Adolf Hitler and serial killer Ted Bundy as Beacham accuses Obama of giving “your money to Planned Parenthood to murder babies and to the Muslim Brotherhood, who murders Christians and Jews.”

Beacham has admitted in an interview with the Associated Press that he knows he probably isn’t going to win.

“Clearly, our main goal is to cause Obama’s defeat,” Beacham said. “But if I were to get elected, that would be great.”

Beacham is able to avoid Federal Communications Commission indecency regulations because the organization requires local stations to give candidates “reasonable access” to air political ads. Bowling Green’s WKBO plans to run a disclaimer along with the ad.

“We have no right to censor the ad, and we can’t refuse it either,” Rick McCue, general manager of the station said. “We can at least give people a heads up, and we intend to do that.”

The ad cost $5,000 and will air around 22 times in three different Kentucky markets.

There are six other congressional candidates in the country who are planning to use the same shock tactics to hurt Obama’s re-election campaign. AP reports that all of them, including Beacham, are affiliated with anti-abortion leader Randall Terry, who joined the presidential race for the same reason.

“Our message is simple,” Terry said in a statement. “No Christian can ethically vote for Obama.”