Hick Omaha Police Force continue DNA checks of Black men
Omaha police haven't just targeted black employees of the Omaha Public Power District for their DNA. In their quest to catch a serial rapist, investigators have reached into the mouths and swabbed the cheeks of several black men across north Omaha. Their accounts have police looking for a black man age 25 to 40, 5-foot-3 to 5-foot-9, 175 to 250 pounds. "This is a witch hunt, and it's ridiculous," said Damion Davis, 30, a painter who lives near 57th and Pratt Streets. "You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Either I could do it and feel violated. Or I could refuse and have doubts running around my house." [more]
- OPPD Workers Want Names Cleared [more]