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Rainbow Push Coalition Takes the Kenneth Walker Case to Washington

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  • Unarmed, Innocent Black businessman Lying Faced Down, Shot in the Back -- Murdered by Police 

The Rainbow Push Coalition is taking the case of Kenneth Walker to Washington. Walker was the unarmed man shot by a sheriff's deputy on Interstate 185 in December of 2003. Reverend William Howell of Columbus and others have written a letter to the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Howell says over the last two years their letters to the US Attorney's Office, the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice and the FBI have never been properly addressed. "We are tired of writing letters that are never answered so we thought we would write a letter to the chairman of the Judiciary Committee who controls the entire pot," said Howell at a called news conference Wednesday afternoon. The coalition wants answers as to whether or not Walker's civil rights were violated the night he was shot and if so it wants an indictment. The deputy accused of shooting walker, David Glisson, was never indicted on criminal charges. [more]

  • Police VIDEO: View the Kenneth Walker tape (Blurry, no audio) [more] and [more]
  • Kenneth Walker's Family re-Files $100 Million Suit Against Police for Wrongful Death [more]