Racist Suspect: Ronald Reagan
Offending Conduct: President Ronald Reagan willfully and deliberately demonstrated a willingness to participate in action and speech to establish, maintain, expand, and/or refine the practice of White Supremacy (Racism) in the areas of Economics, Law and Politics [MORE].
As one of the main archetects of the drug war "Ronald Reagan was an extreme racist." The whole drug war is designed, from policing to eventual release from prison, to make it impossible for black men and, increasingly, women to be part of [American] society.” [MORE]
It was his goal to gut the Voting Rights Act and the civil rights laws. He pushed to give tax breaks to colleges that practiced racial discrimination. He praised apartheid South Africa as a bastion of democracy and thought Nelson Mandela should stay in jail. Said policies directly or indirectly promoted the maintenance and/or refinement of the System of White Supremacy (Racism) in the area of Law, Economics and Politics.
Behind that smile, Reagan practiced a vicious brand of race-bait politics. He opened his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Miss., calling for a revival of states' rights. Now, he had to work to get to Philadelphia. It isn't an airplane hub. And it is known for only one thing: It is the town where three civil rights workers were brutally murdered during the 1960s."[MORE] and [MORE]
Said speech and conduct supports the use of language and/or images in such a manner as to directly or indirectly promote the maintenance and/or refinement of the System of White Supremacy (Racism) in the area of Law, Entertainment and Politics.