Racist Suspect: Leonard Battaglia
Offending Conduct: The Richmond sewer district director willfully and deliberately demonstrated a willingness to participate in action and speech to establish, maintain, expand, and/or refine the practice of White Supremacy (Racism) in the areas of Law and Politics by calling Asian people chinks and inferring that Black people were an inferior people. He said "African-Americans think slower than other races, he said. "They can't help it. It's the way God made them." The newspaper called Battaglia back before the story was published and he stood by his remarks. [MORE] The Richmond is one of the most diverse cities in California and has the highest concentration of African Americans.
Said speech supports the use of language and/or images in such a manner as to directly or indirectly promote the maintenance, expansion, and/or refinement of the System of White Supremacy (Racism) in the area of Politics.