Sellout JC Watts tells Blacks to Stop Making Sense
"Instead of discussing the significant strides that our country has seen in regards to race, Democrats choose to falsely claim that African-Americans have not benefited from President Bush's policies," Watts said in a statement. "Nothing could be further from the truth. Under President Bush's leadership, minority home ownership is at record levels, education funding has skyrocketed, and millions of African-Americans have benefited under the president's tax relief package," Watts added. He said that under the Bush administration, Republicans have held more than 200 African-American events, including an empowerment tour, Historically Black Colleges and Universities summits and many meetings with black community leaders, pastors and business leaders. [
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must be pcp in his mix of kool-aid. Flunkey Watts is pictured below. Maybe he is ho-ing like this for a cabinet postion or something?