ANOTHER Media Outlet Calls Race for Bush. A Day Early
Tron Nick
With all precincts reporting, Bush wins Colorado, 41-34 percent, Rocky Mountain News reports
President Bush has scored a resounding victory in Colorado, winning the popular vote 41 to 34 percent over Massachusetts senator John Kerry -- at least according to the Rocky Mountain News, which posted the ?final' election results sometime Monday afternoon, RAW STORY discovered. The News called the election for Bush. But several minutes later, with fewer precincts reporting, Kerry was up 41-40 percent. The image is reproduced below. The paper previously had endorsed Bush for reelection. Trouble is, election day is Tuesday. The latest poll, by Zogby, has Bush edging Kerry 48-47 percent. The paper also called the national Senate race. Democratic senate hopeful and state Attorney General Ken Salazar lost, by eight percent, to beer mogul Pete Coors, who trounced him with 48 percent of the vote. [more]